Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good Morning from the desk of Chaplain “Boots”


            Greetings everyone, trust this post finds you well, both physically and spiritually.
If I were to title this post, it would be; WHO IS YOUR ALLY?
With the new and coming hopeful electoral candidates for the November & 2014 election, speeches are becoming VERY confusing…. This is not the time to select and positively toss your thinking and future vote on any particular person. Some are waffling and changing their platforms. WAIT till the REAL truth comes out in EVERY candidate. Most candidates are testing the waters, what works and what does not work. Hold your monetary support till the waters become calmer. There is a lot of speculation and false information being presented at this time. You know the Media is very biased, as in most of my posts, I suggest; DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!! Where has this candidate been? What has his stand been prior to this campaign? Many will promise to do this or that, we have been there many times before, right??? When they get into office, all the promises go out the window. I don’t need to tell you these things, you are wise enough to make a viable decision. 
            WHO IS YOUR ALLY? Above, we approached the meat in the nutshell, however; there is so much more to this communication than what I can relate. Some of which I hesitate to put in print, because I have no idea who is reading this. I do not intend to make myself a TARGET for any adversary, unnecessarily!!!!!! However, I will not bow to political or political correctness! If you need to know more of what I’m trying to communicate, then you know how to get a hold of me. False teachers and prophets are surfacing by the scores, these are both political & so called spiritual  voices in the wilderness! I’m sorry to say, this includes messages or lack thereof in our churches. I am very careful to whom I listen to and support - even pray blessings over! I receive volumes of information, some credible, some very distorted. I have countless  ACQUAINTANCES, who may not be my FRIENDS.  I have to be on guard with discernment & wisdom to sort out which information which bears keeping and or repeating! Using proper vernacular, NOW IS THE TIME TO BE [get] PREPARED, There is no possible SURE / VIABLE information which will be totally accurate, other than the SCRIPTURES! The rug [so to speak - sic] could be pulled out from under each or any of us in a moment, without notice!! Our present source [media] information is sketchy and unreliable. Have I made my point???? 

“Take heed,  that no man deceive you”  Matt 24:4
Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.. I Cor 10:12

Chaplain & Counselor
Chaplain “Boots”


Wednesday, July 10, 2013




Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of communications. Many folks HEAR but do not LISTEN. This was one of the first items mentioned in one of my classes years ago. Another by product of the same scenario is; making comments while the moderator is presenting his view, disrupting the flow of the class. Usually the moderator will open the floor to questions and comments during and after the presentation. I have a very difficult time with folks who interrupt. It’s downright rude and very impolite! But we live in a post modern culture, where nothing is sacred anymore. Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you “HOW ARE YOU?” And proceed on their way without waiting for an answer! This is CRASS IGNORANCE, and DISRESPECTFUL! My Facebook says I have hundreds of social friends. Rarely does anyone respond to my posts, as if purposely ignored. Perhaps, it’s not of a social nature to respond? One thing comes to mind, maybe I’m wrong in assuming; me being a man of the cloth, folks are intimidated by my person or verbal gestures. I know for a fact that some are even jealous of the STRENGTH, I possess, physical, materially, & spiritually. That’s okay, I’ll NEVER judge you or make you feel insecure. When I was a child, the THING was “Children weren't made to be seen, or heard, just listen.” That stuck with me for years, part of that still hampers my communications. The loud mouth in the crowd always gets attention, in other words “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Some folks have all the ANSWERS to almost EVERYTHING, even before you have a chance to verbalize your own views, if you have the opportunity to express them. I know, I’m considered a simple bumpkin with minimal formal education, at least some folks perceive me as that!

Most folks have no idea WHO Paul Reimer is; probably won’t take the time to find out! That’s your loss! I will never make the Who’s Who, write a book, entertain thousands, appear on tv, get elected. And by the way, I’m so glad I wasn’t!!!!!! I won’t be a part of the degrading of society. I have been taught values, morals and will in no way bow to POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, devalue my stand. I take pride in who I am [in the Lord] and in society, I will hold my candle to anyone who dares to stand up with me. You may have faculties that outweigh mine, but when it comes to endurance in the race of life and knowledge of survival physically, emotionally and spiritually, I will succeed. It’s been said that you learn through the hard knocks of life, if that is the case, I'm a Champion. If you will / could take a few moments of your time to challenge [yes I’m up to that] and know the deep thoughts of my heart & mind, you might learn so much.

It reminds me of the email I have seen several times. A son asks his Father, “How much do you make?” The Father replies with a negative answer, and in disregard. Later the boy came back with ONE DOLLAR of his hard earned allowance. The Father sternly says, “What’s this??????” Waiting for a moment……The boy responds with a simple phrase. “Dad,,,,,,, Can I buy one dollars worth of your time?” The Father was crushed. J


R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 236th Birthday!! 1776-2013


236th Birthday 1776-2013

Good Afternoon folks;

Many folks are getting their grills ready to barbecue some goodies, purchasing HOT DOGS, [quite a history about hot dogs] brats and burgers. Company & guests will arrive, possibly bringing a pot luck style meal. Some jurisdictions will even celebrate with a parade. American flags will be displayed at full mast across the land. A day of celebration without any cognizant meaning of what 4th of July is, declared a Federal Holiday June 1941. Initially it was called INDEPENDENCE DAY originated in Pennsylvania July 2, 1776, with five co founders, drafted by Richard Henry Lee. The original document wasn't fully signed by all colonies till months later. Most people have not researched the title, and claim only the 4th of July as fire cracker day. Did you know that the first celebration, they shot cannons? For your consideration; research, CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, [June 7, 1776] AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ARTICLES OF FEDERATION, [1789] REVOLUTIONARY WAR, [1775 - 1783] & KING GEORGE III, British King who opposed the Continental Congress a year earlier.

Despite the fact we celebrate many Holidays without knowing the true origins, we forget that AMERICA was born in & by great peril & distress. Countless wars and scrimmages made this country free from tyranny. Over the 236 years politicians have eroded the concept of a FREE government, principally founded on FREEDOM FROM RELIGION and tyranny. Those included excessive taxation. Folks in Washington & our local State houses, feel they can improve on the original documents, raising taxes for more services. Whatever happened to self preservation? EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT, has taken its place!! Some even want to rewrite the Constitution [with what? Sharia law?] Early settlers were sick and tired of being ruled by a tyrant King, does this fit BO? So they, [just a few] begin a revolution [and maybe we should again today?] to change what super powers had in mind.

As you celebrate this day of remembrance, take time to reflect the cost our forefathers who paid dearly for our Liberty. Just don’t eat, drink & be merry! FLY AND RESPECT OUR AMERICAN FLAG!!!!!!! Don’t make it a one day thing!

While you're at it, pause a moment to give thanks to the ONE who gave us our Freedom to begin with, along with all of our Military, and those who diligently serve us for our well-being. Include Law enforcement, firefighters & medical interventionist.

Father’s Day just passed, give THANKS for your parents and family.