Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Letter

            It’s been a while since the last post, so I best get with the program? Two Thousand Thirteen will soon go down in history. Another 15,000 miles have been added to the odometer on the Honda. One trip to Kingman, Arizona for the final moments of my dear sister-in-law, in October. On the way back stopping by to see a long lost friend in Farmington, New Mexico. I have driven very few miles on the Harley, it seems I have lost the intrigue of riding, solo. I am not as sure of myself holding the 600 pound machine up on two wheels when parking. I can’t bring myself to the point of disposing of it either yet! It’s kindda like your first love.  I would like to retain it until I have reached the 300,000 mile marker however. There will be no more long distance excursions, like the 1999 trip to Belgium with my two buddies I became acquainted with in 1998 on the way to Milwaukee for the reunion. If you have a hankering to join up with someone, I would be most delighted to entertain the idea.
            Two Thousand Thirteen has been a roller coaster year, with about the same agenda as previous years. My health has been reasonably stable, no new problems to speak of. My Cardio Doc has given up on me trying to control the cholesterol, and the PC doc has given permission to discontinue them all until further notice. Have had several basal cell carcinomas surgeries, and many that were frozen. I have maintained my weight to some degree, minus 5#. My eating habits are changing as I attain age. Still a meat & potato man like when I was much younger. I can accommodate an invite for dinner anytime.   Fortunately I rarely gain weight as my metabolism takes care of that. I have had a couple minor fix it jobs, due to the energy level which runs out very quickly no other work. I do however try to take my daily walks, that vary from ½ to 3 miles. I added a Concealed Carry Permit to my collection of merits. Finished 24 years as the Resident Chaplain with the Motorcycle Road racing Association, opted to stay one more year as the Lord leads. Performed several weddings and numerous counseling sessions. I recently spent ten days in Florida, near the Gulf, celebrating an early Christmas with a dear buddy of mine and his Mom. Had a great time, sightseeing, and watching the guys fish. I learned to eat fish [fresh caught]. As a child I got burned out on fish and never have attained a great taste for them. Maybe now I can start from scratch again? The humidity was considerably different than Colorado, 65º is Florida is MUCH different than 65º in Colorado. Go ahead and laugh!! I’ll take summer fly fishing any day over the fishing routine there. However had we had the opportunity to take the boat out for deep sea fishing, that may have changed my mind. Did see some big catches, though! I’d like to share a script of mine penned 30+ years ago.

Reminiscing of childhood Christmases, this time of year brought very special meaning. Anticipation of it’s arrival was quite a bit more than a young child could bear. The smell of fresh baking cookies, breads, pies & candy for the Big Day’s feast. The rushing secretive movements of my Father & Mother, not to mention my four older brothers. The garage, barn, bedroom sometimes were off limits for short periods of time, especially the high shelves in the closets, which stood vigil from curious little hands. Plans and invites were made far in advance, even at Aunts & Uncles places. And finally CHRISTMAS DAY!
Nothing fancy, no tree, no wrapped presents. Mother busy in the kitchen tendering the ole wood burning Home Comfort stove. Breakfast was on the grill and so was the smell of the summer’s goose or turkey. The old six hole stove was pouring puffs of smoke into the crisp winter morning sky, seemingly knowing just what to do. Besides cooking meals for a hungry family, it also kept the three roomed weather shack and it’s occupants toasty warm. After the morning chores of milking cows, slopping the pigs,, feeding the chickens, then carting in wood & coal for the day’s burn. We carted in buckets of water as well for drinking and cooking. Breakfast was set on an old round oak table with many coats of varnish on it. It was surrounded by four painted chairs that didn’t match and a five foot wooden bench along the wall for the little ones. Oatmeal with real cream, twa-bach [a German semi-sweet bread], several dozen fried eggs sunny side up, pancakes, freshly cured ham, coffee, whole milk & sassafras held us till noon. After this was gone, everybody except Mother pitched in to do the dishes. Just who’s turn it was to dry didn't matter, let’s hurry. The moment everyone had diligently waited for; big shortening cans full of home made cookies, popcorn balls, peanut brittle, [Father’s delight] divinity was brought out to enjoy.  Then Father would bring out the old worn German Bible and read the Christmas story, all gathered around the table with an oil lamp in the center, I stood on the back rung on Father’s chair, looking over his shoulder. Small home made variety gifts, needed clothing [usually a pair of overalls, a polo shirt, gloves] or coat, a pair of shoes were handed out, sometimes with an orange or apple.  We were extremely blessed, times were very hard in the depression, but we made do with what we had and were happy.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.  And a Blessed New Year.

Brother Paul 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Free Time

October 22, 2013
Just checked my day timer, and it appears there are no appointments for the rest of the week, or am I missing something? On the fun side of life, everybody seems to think that when you are past forty, old people don’t have their ducks all in order. J And younger folks do????????? That’s debatable! I use the term often; Been there done that! I can hear you chuckle. J

It’s been a very taxing week for me and our family. One more Family member went home to meet their reward. That’s five in the past 4.5 years. Lois was ready to go. Her body all worn out, nearly forty years from arthritis, in almost every joint in her body, and quite a few had been replaced. She just passed her 81st birthday a few days ago, still played the piano very well. I’ve never known a person who had such grace and pleasing disposition, even though all the pain. When you asked her, how are you doing today? Her response, I’m doing well! Again, Lois, really, how are you doing today? Then she said “Well,,,,,, not quite as good as yesterday.” It takes a lot of fortitude to admit and say that, when you’d have the desire or need to complain! Yes, more than fortitude. More than just grace. She managed to do the meal preparation; even when her hands were so crippled, using her wrists to hold things. Hadn’t been able to walk for years, she scooted around on an office chair. Her husband had to lift her from one place to another. Amazingly, she NEVER lost her will to serve others with a big smile. She longed to go home, where she would have a NEW body with no debilitating joints. What grandeur that must be? A life lived to the fullest with the expectation of GOD’S love, Grace and love. Just what His word provides through faith and just living. This reminds me of the song, “You oughta see me now!” & “I can imagine.” 

I mentioned earlier a taxing week. Yes, driving 17 hours straight through, with one fuel stop. I was there, in her final hours, [as in the other deaths] supporting my brother and family, his wife of 64 years in Dec. God is good! Lois is and will continue to be my inspiration! Till we meet on the other side.

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Monday, October 7, 2013

Good Morning from the FEE STATE!

October 2, 2013
Good Morning from the FEE STATE!
Reread Matthew chapter 24: folks. And Ephesians 6:12
If you have not experienced the beginning of the battles, or are presently involved in, you are about to! Let me rephrase that; many individuals who claim to be walking steadfast with the Lord, may be in jeopardy that will encompass your lives by experiencing difficulties in your life and home. Satan only buffets those who walk closely with the Lord. Again, let me remind you, that these trials that are being sent from HELL, and not from the Lord, to discourage your dedicated walk. Discouragement, health, financial or other difficulties, are only a few trials for the moment. Tighten the hatches SECURELY, and FIRMLY! The battle has only begun, you haven’t even seen or experienced the beginning yet!!!! What the future holds is anyone’s prognosis! The [spirit] of the Anti-Christ is at work, understand; THE [personhood] of the Anti-Christ is about to be revealed!!!!!!! We must fully understand [interpret] the scriptures what the events leading up to the end times are. Most Christians do not understand fully the events that must take place before the Saints of God are called home. Great destruction and carnage are about to take place, in other words, a TRYING time for those who call themselves born again Christians!!!! The current shutdown of Washington is a smoke screen. Do not buy into it!
My prayer is; our FAITH is about to be tested as never before, and our FAITH is ONLY through the power of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, and the WORD! I have a vision I cannot share in this post. I challenge each of you to seek the Lord in prayer earnestly as never before, for the [personal] revelation / direction, that will come to pass. Very shortly, I might add! If you have any doubt of your survival / or being caught up. Take action on your knees very personally!! If you need prayer, contact me. 24/7

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
720-238-1539 cell
Chaplain "Boots"

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Greetings;    I thought I’d try to change the view of the page a bit, by inserting a fav, which still exists and welcomes you at all Colorado borders. Truly Colorado has many colorful views, too numerous to list them all. If you haven’t visited Colorado, you are missing out.  As a native, I’ve explored most of the area along with the State & National Parks. One thing about Colorado is; that regardless how warm the summer’s heat is, in the day time, the night’s usually are very comfortable. Many folks brag about their own State, oceans, beaches etc. However, the Rocky Mountains and all the magnificent views it holds, are priceless. 

In two weeks the calendar says, Autumn or Fall begins. You would never know it by the temps we have been experiencing the past few weeks. It’s been a difficult summer for me [heat wise]. However; weather in Colorado can & will change in a moments notice. One change that indicates Fall is right around the corner, is the changing of the colors in the Aspen trees. Leaves will begin to turn colors [dark green, browns, reds & yellows & in between] then fall, here in the city as well. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t relish the changing of seasons [winter]. I truly love Fall weather, probably more than any other season except Spring. When the first snow flakes fall, I become a kid again! There is one advantage, I can stay inside where it’s warm & dry, and most often do what I like to do best, begin baking.


I’d like to share a few items with you. In a week, the last race of the season will take place with MRA ~ Motorcycleroadracing Association.  Go to for more info. To celebrate my Chaplain Residency of 24 years, we will hold an open house. CHAPEL APPRECIATION SUNDAY, Breakfast al a cart will be served. We are honored to have had nearly thirty in attendance the last few races. God has been good, no severe injuries have occurred. Ten separate locations have served as competitive race tracks, for challenges of our membership, including Utah & Nebraska. I have traveled nearly 50,000+ miles to & from these tracks, walked nearly 1,500+ pit miles, made 1,000 follow-up visits, conducted 200 Chapel services, not including weddings etc. This number does not reflect counseling sessions. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this great organization. Lord willing and my health permits, I plan to continue next year. It’s always comforting / rewarding when individuals express their growth & to have found the way, by example or through the services held every race Sunday at 0630 hours. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Highlights

August 21, 2013

            I best get with the program and post another article, while I’m thinking about it. 
With the summer’s heat and other minor obligations which seem to pop up from the middle of nowhere, it’s time to take a moment and do some reflecting. 
            In April we got news that my dear sister-in-law has been diagnosed with small cell cancer, on her digestive tract, lungs, and liver. Tumors the size of grapefruit & many the size of golf balls.  Prognosis was 6 months to a year, that is probably a very rough estimate. She has struggled with debilitating arthritis for many years, always having a smiling face and a great outlook on life, never complaining. She has maintained a strong inner faith and witness for many. As you recall since 2010, my family has dealt with 2 brothers, two sister-in-laws, several cousins, who have journeyed before us. Leaving three of us boys and one sister-in-law.  All candidates, for the next call to come home. 
            Here’s a funny for you, just to lighten the message to follow. We have those things on our vehicles that are referred to as; SIGNAL LIGHTS. AAA estimates that less than 30% of people use them. Not surprising at all? I’d like to change the name to COURTESY LIGHTS, which some folks don't use or have, [courtesy that is!]  If they are truly SIGNAL TURN LIGHTS they should be connected to the steering wheel, which perhaps is the reasoning behind TWO BLINKS before they enter your lane???? As a biker, this is a very scary & dangerous operation, other than running red lights. 
            Recently, I have been getting a ton of SURVIVAL mail, along with the effort of total extinction of all GUN RIGHTS & POSSESSION, including ammunition.! With an open mind, I have to realize that a considerable amount of this is nothing but hype, yet I think everybody in their right mind should heed some warnings, to be prepared for any situation. The heat is beginning to come about with new candidates [political that is] for the elections both in November and 2014. I dare say that 98% of those won't change a thing if elected. Remember the slogan “CHANGE?”  Indeed we have seen change, and it sure isn't for a better Democracy. It doesn't take a third grader to figure it out!!! I've mentioned “I’m not an alarmist, but maybe I should be?” One survival site uses the term, “BUG IN & BUG OUT” meaning if & when a call for action [evac] is amplified, do you stay put or run. Most folks will BUG OUT, jamming the freeways and head for the hills, if you're lucky. So how long can one survive with what you took in a hurry? If there are stores handy, their shelves will be empty! We have had a lot of forest fires, evac notices are short an immediate. If you BUG IN, how long and how much resistance will you have to face to remain, and for how long? Under Martial law, [very possible, soon] you will be the one who will protect your dwelling & family. If you perhaps have sustenance for a long duration, you may be under attack to relinquish some, or have it squandered by thieves, or those who are more hungry than yourself. Either way, life comes to an end at some point in time. "I'll fight till I can't anymore!" The ONLY thing that matters is; are you ready to meet your maker? Some serious thinking, huh? If you need some help, please consider contacting me. Thanks,

Chaplain “Boots”


R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good Morning from the desk of Chaplain “Boots”


            Greetings everyone, trust this post finds you well, both physically and spiritually.
If I were to title this post, it would be; WHO IS YOUR ALLY?
With the new and coming hopeful electoral candidates for the November & 2014 election, speeches are becoming VERY confusing…. This is not the time to select and positively toss your thinking and future vote on any particular person. Some are waffling and changing their platforms. WAIT till the REAL truth comes out in EVERY candidate. Most candidates are testing the waters, what works and what does not work. Hold your monetary support till the waters become calmer. There is a lot of speculation and false information being presented at this time. You know the Media is very biased, as in most of my posts, I suggest; DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!! Where has this candidate been? What has his stand been prior to this campaign? Many will promise to do this or that, we have been there many times before, right??? When they get into office, all the promises go out the window. I don’t need to tell you these things, you are wise enough to make a viable decision. 
            WHO IS YOUR ALLY? Above, we approached the meat in the nutshell, however; there is so much more to this communication than what I can relate. Some of which I hesitate to put in print, because I have no idea who is reading this. I do not intend to make myself a TARGET for any adversary, unnecessarily!!!!!! However, I will not bow to political or political correctness! If you need to know more of what I’m trying to communicate, then you know how to get a hold of me. False teachers and prophets are surfacing by the scores, these are both political & so called spiritual  voices in the wilderness! I’m sorry to say, this includes messages or lack thereof in our churches. I am very careful to whom I listen to and support - even pray blessings over! I receive volumes of information, some credible, some very distorted. I have countless  ACQUAINTANCES, who may not be my FRIENDS.  I have to be on guard with discernment & wisdom to sort out which information which bears keeping and or repeating! Using proper vernacular, NOW IS THE TIME TO BE [get] PREPARED, There is no possible SURE / VIABLE information which will be totally accurate, other than the SCRIPTURES! The rug [so to speak - sic] could be pulled out from under each or any of us in a moment, without notice!! Our present source [media] information is sketchy and unreliable. Have I made my point???? 

“Take heed,  that no man deceive you”  Matt 24:4
Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.. I Cor 10:12

Chaplain & Counselor
Chaplain “Boots”


Wednesday, July 10, 2013




Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of communications. Many folks HEAR but do not LISTEN. This was one of the first items mentioned in one of my classes years ago. Another by product of the same scenario is; making comments while the moderator is presenting his view, disrupting the flow of the class. Usually the moderator will open the floor to questions and comments during and after the presentation. I have a very difficult time with folks who interrupt. It’s downright rude and very impolite! But we live in a post modern culture, where nothing is sacred anymore. Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you “HOW ARE YOU?” And proceed on their way without waiting for an answer! This is CRASS IGNORANCE, and DISRESPECTFUL! My Facebook says I have hundreds of social friends. Rarely does anyone respond to my posts, as if purposely ignored. Perhaps, it’s not of a social nature to respond? One thing comes to mind, maybe I’m wrong in assuming; me being a man of the cloth, folks are intimidated by my person or verbal gestures. I know for a fact that some are even jealous of the STRENGTH, I possess, physical, materially, & spiritually. That’s okay, I’ll NEVER judge you or make you feel insecure. When I was a child, the THING was “Children weren't made to be seen, or heard, just listen.” That stuck with me for years, part of that still hampers my communications. The loud mouth in the crowd always gets attention, in other words “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Some folks have all the ANSWERS to almost EVERYTHING, even before you have a chance to verbalize your own views, if you have the opportunity to express them. I know, I’m considered a simple bumpkin with minimal formal education, at least some folks perceive me as that!

Most folks have no idea WHO Paul Reimer is; probably won’t take the time to find out! That’s your loss! I will never make the Who’s Who, write a book, entertain thousands, appear on tv, get elected. And by the way, I’m so glad I wasn’t!!!!!! I won’t be a part of the degrading of society. I have been taught values, morals and will in no way bow to POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, devalue my stand. I take pride in who I am [in the Lord] and in society, I will hold my candle to anyone who dares to stand up with me. You may have faculties that outweigh mine, but when it comes to endurance in the race of life and knowledge of survival physically, emotionally and spiritually, I will succeed. It’s been said that you learn through the hard knocks of life, if that is the case, I'm a Champion. If you will / could take a few moments of your time to challenge [yes I’m up to that] and know the deep thoughts of my heart & mind, you might learn so much.

It reminds me of the email I have seen several times. A son asks his Father, “How much do you make?” The Father replies with a negative answer, and in disregard. Later the boy came back with ONE DOLLAR of his hard earned allowance. The Father sternly says, “What’s this??????” Waiting for a moment……The boy responds with a simple phrase. “Dad,,,,,,, Can I buy one dollars worth of your time?” The Father was crushed. J


R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 236th Birthday!! 1776-2013


236th Birthday 1776-2013

Good Afternoon folks;

Many folks are getting their grills ready to barbecue some goodies, purchasing HOT DOGS, [quite a history about hot dogs] brats and burgers. Company & guests will arrive, possibly bringing a pot luck style meal. Some jurisdictions will even celebrate with a parade. American flags will be displayed at full mast across the land. A day of celebration without any cognizant meaning of what 4th of July is, declared a Federal Holiday June 1941. Initially it was called INDEPENDENCE DAY originated in Pennsylvania July 2, 1776, with five co founders, drafted by Richard Henry Lee. The original document wasn't fully signed by all colonies till months later. Most people have not researched the title, and claim only the 4th of July as fire cracker day. Did you know that the first celebration, they shot cannons? For your consideration; research, CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, [June 7, 1776] AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ARTICLES OF FEDERATION, [1789] REVOLUTIONARY WAR, [1775 - 1783] & KING GEORGE III, British King who opposed the Continental Congress a year earlier.

Despite the fact we celebrate many Holidays without knowing the true origins, we forget that AMERICA was born in & by great peril & distress. Countless wars and scrimmages made this country free from tyranny. Over the 236 years politicians have eroded the concept of a FREE government, principally founded on FREEDOM FROM RELIGION and tyranny. Those included excessive taxation. Folks in Washington & our local State houses, feel they can improve on the original documents, raising taxes for more services. Whatever happened to self preservation? EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT, has taken its place!! Some even want to rewrite the Constitution [with what? Sharia law?] Early settlers were sick and tired of being ruled by a tyrant King, does this fit BO? So they, [just a few] begin a revolution [and maybe we should again today?] to change what super powers had in mind.

As you celebrate this day of remembrance, take time to reflect the cost our forefathers who paid dearly for our Liberty. Just don’t eat, drink & be merry! FLY AND RESPECT OUR AMERICAN FLAG!!!!!!! Don’t make it a one day thing!

While you're at it, pause a moment to give thanks to the ONE who gave us our Freedom to begin with, along with all of our Military, and those who diligently serve us for our well-being. Include Law enforcement, firefighters & medical interventionist.

Father’s Day just passed, give THANKS for your parents and family.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Time!

June 12, 2013

Just a few more days the calendar indicates that we begin SUMMER! The reports on the news by the weathermen, tell us that we have broken all records for all times, for high temperatures, in June. Yet, just last week Arapahoe Basin was still open to skiers. In the San Luis Valley, my childhood birthplace, they are still experiencing frost at night. Colorado is burning fast and furious with forest fires. Four separate fires are currently keeping firefighters very busy. The Black Forest fire near Colorado Springs has devastated 8,000+ acres, possible 100+- elite homes, and is still uncontained, 15,000 folks have been asked to evacuate. Just one year ago, on the west side of Colorado Springs, the Waldo Canon Fire consumed many thousand acres and more than a hundred homes. We are aware of the multiple tornados that have hit Oklahoma City / Moore area.

It appears that there are more instances of severe weather happening than ever before? To our amazement, very few lives have been lost. I believe that these are events that are indicating that our Sovereign God is speaking loud and clear for America to REPENT!

We read in the Old Testament that when people refused to follow God’s plan and or were enemies of God’s people, he destroyed complete armies and sects of people. And yet nothing has changed today, perhaps even got worse? I’m reminded of the scripture where the Disciples were aware of the decant lifestyles around them and they asked Jesus how they could take care of them. Jesus replied by telling them to leave the tares with the wheat alone, else some wheat would be pulled out alongside. This appears to be happening in our current society today. Quite a few so called ministries are taking the same attitude toward certain individuals & venues. In my mind, I probably feel the same? I know for a fact that some folks are presenting themselves as devout born again believers, saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost and are living double standard lives…. I’d like to expose them or worse, however; I’m very aware we are living in the final days, and I have to maintain my dedicated walk with the Lord, and leave the judgment to our Lord.

I’m not perfect, so don’t misinterpret my stand! On the other side of the coin, many are just coasting through life with no concern about their salvation. Our churches have for the most part left the OLD TIME RELIGION preaching, and given in to the modern ways, accommodating & caving in more and more to the ways of the world. People aren’t being taught the WORD, so how could they live a righteous life? Maybe because we have watered down versions of what we think / believe is the BIBLE? Many believe that GRACE will cover all the sins? And everyone will get to heaven, and we are free to do / believe whatever we choose?! Paul told Timothy, to KNOW what we have been taught and by whom? To hold FAST to the teachings of Christ. There will be a great reckoning day for many, very soon, someday, and may now be???? So, do you think all these catastrophic events are just a phenomena, which are we are just becoming more aware than before? In the WORD, some folks in Bible days even said “HE delaieth HIS COMING.” Why do we not take heed of our intuitions and convictions [if we have any] of the times at hand. I would pray that each of us would take a serious inventory where we stand with our Lord, don’t be so strong headed [sure] your [self] righteousness will be sufficient to carry you through. The WORD is very clear, for those who live a pure life what benefits are reserved for them. We don’t have to succumb to false doctrines, government control, and I might add, relinquish our 2nd Amendment rights.

More next time, Do I hear an AMEN?

Microsoft Works doc. 2013 copied to email
By; Chaplain “Boots”
-- R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dysfunctional Corruption

Greetings once again;
My heart is in a quandary this morning, I guess it's due to the fact that so many dysfunctional things are going aria! Our Legislature has adjourned for the year, only accomplishing special interest agendas. Should that surprise me? Sufficing nothing that promotes job growth, in fact the opposite! Firms and businesses are moving out of State and some are considering closing shop. Rules, regulations and taxation have dominated most bills passed, 400+. Bypassing the TABOR AMENDMENT entirely! So how did they go around that? Can't call it a TAX, but a FEE! If this isn't an undermining of our liberties I don't know what, so close to Communism and most folks are sleeping!!!!!!!! Don't get me started!!!!
Not only dysfunctional, [that's putting it mildly] but there are righteous [sic] folks out there taking advantage of the system!! Those in charge even admit the system is broken, children are slipping through the cracks [dying]. Apparently the SYSTEM is designed to facilitate CORRUPTION! Blatantly in disregard for any conviction, weather moral or spiritual! Where have morals and values gone? Anything goes? I'm going to pick on those who profess to be Christians [born again] too! My foot! No compassion, no commitments, moral or ethical values. It's all covered by GRACE! WHAT?????? Many are so self centered and concerned, it's pitiful!! And to make things worse, they aren't even aware of it!!!! To me it's alarming, but what can I do about it????
I am convinced that had I been elected last November, I'd been overridden, out voted! Being outspoken, I probably would have heaped upon myself more problems? But that is who I am, and for the most part, people hate that! HONESTY HURTS! Furthermore, I'm glad that I wasn't elected, I can live with my conscience! Talk about and EDUCATION, and no diploma! chuckle I will continue to support those who stand up for the RIGHT! Some of this has caused me greater stress & concern. However, I know how to deal with that.... You got it!!! I've tried to be a citizens ADVOCATE, and for the greater part that too has gone un-noticed! Don't get me wrong, what I have learned has benefited me tremendously, in avenues I am not at liberty to divulge. One more thought! Most folks aren't willing to step forward and do anything about it. The adage is, "I don't want to get involved." The sorriest statement ever concocted. That's the reason this nation is where it is today!
I usually don't go with the FLOW, I'm a Salmon, I swim upstream!!

-- R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Day, May Day;

Greetings from the Mile High City,
It's May 1, and we are celebrating another bout of snow, which we well need. However, some folks are very tired of winter, so be it! This is Colorado! No, this is SPRING, just happens that it sometimes furnishes us with some solid moisture. Just because we are anxious, that will not change the picture! People are never happy, regardless what is GIVEN to them. Oh boy does that open up the avenue for a new topic today.

I'd like you to open your BIBLE to Mathew chapter 24, read the complete chapter. [You have one, don't you? I'd suggest King James Version] Pay attention to verse 8 in particular! It doesn't matter if you subscribe to what it says or not. YES IT DOES! If you are a believer or not, scripture if you like it or not, is EVIDENT / FULFILLMENT of the last days. I could define BELIEVER! You can ignore it, smooth it over with everything from Science to myth, It's always been this way, read history. Now if that isn't a bunch of rhetoric, [non-sense] I don't know what is! I'm sure many folks will argue with me, however deep inside their agruments don't hold a bit of water, and they KNOW it! Nature is changing, people are changing, and everything around us. Morals and values included! I keep referring to the publications I get, and it is very disturbing what is happening [Legislatively / Executive Orders speaking]. Our rights and freedoms are eroding at a rapid speed, not so suttle anymore. It's only a matter of time if you haven't been affected yet, it will soon! I won't go into details, each one that reads this blog is able to discern and read how our elected officials are blatently ignoring our voices. To heck with the Constitution! And you call this a Democratic Government? BS!

You Holyier than thou folks have some surprises ahead of you too! I'd wear some holes in my jeans on the knees if I were you! It's not a cake walk anymore, and if you haven't noticed it never was. Some have escaped the reality for one reason or another, but judgement is coming; Spiritually & Physically. Our Colorado branch of Government is having a hey day, of course they're Democrats, passing over 600+ bills while they can! If I offended you, I'm not sorry! I haven't kept track of how much it will cost the taxpayers, come July 1, they don't care, they will retire with hugh pensions! Where was your voice at the ballot box, and the Capitol? Your government will and has taken away your right to bear arms, will you be able to defend your family & yourself if necessary? Calling 911 may not be timely! READ HISTORY!!!!!!!
Enough for you to digest, if you care to!

-- R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

History 101

Greetings from my desk; 4/18/13
 We've been experiencing a rift of cold weather here in Colorado, and the front range. As we get older we forget what winters in the past have been. Boy am I getting soft? We rely on the Weather Bureau to make forecasts, often missing accuracy. I'm a native and a long time resident in the Denver area. However; the Denver & front range are set in a bowl right off [east of] the Rocky Mountains, a difficult place to predict accurately . The calendar says it's Spring! :) For those who have lived in Colorado, for any length of time, it is no surprise to have frosts and snow storms even as late as June 8. The weather patterns have changed a lot over the years, and it's not surprising with what's happening in our world today. Which leads me to the paragraphs & comments following.
 As a boy raised on a farm, one experiences a wealth of information that urban kids NEVER have the opportunity to acquire. Incidental, they don't teach that in school. HARD WORK comes to mind, foremost! Next in line are SURVIVAL SKILLS. You learn to adapt very quickly to the environment around you, MATURE almost before the age of accountability! Working together as a team, not self sufficient. [Or selfishly] You understand and accept RESPONSIBILITY at an exceptional early age. Learn the value of the monetary system and how to attain & keep it. My first paying job was (75¢) yes, seventy cents and hour, picking potatoes by hand. I was fifteen at the time, hard work for a small statured boy, not to mention a ten hour day. After you got through from a day of labor in the hot sun, you still had chores to do when you got home! That involved milking [by hand] a dozen cows, bringing in fire- wood and coal. We didn't have running water, we had to pack it in morning and evening by the bucket full. The two holed privy was out by the barn. Baths occurred on Saturdays! Complaining was almost never heard of! Meals were made on an old fashioned wood burning stove, by my Mother [a LADY I remind you] that worked in the fields as well. As boys we learned how to cook,wash & iron, sew and other crafts. Coal oil lamps were our method of reading at night. We didn't need pep talks from our parents, we had the intuition to KNOW what was needed without being told. Mis behaving resulted in spankings. A complete different concept of what our generation is being taught and required today. We HONORED & RESPECTED our elders and parents, no questions asked. That early training has served me well, in my nearly three quarters of a century of life. I have never regretted any of the disciplines I received. With the education available today, our current generation has no clue what & how to live a balanced successful life, raise kids and be self supporting! We even helped our NEIGHBORS. Sound familiar?
 Without the adopting the values & morals stated above, and history repeating itself, we are destined to succumb to the delegation of super powers [Washington] ruling masses of people, who will not stand up for our God given privileges & rights. America has become weak, unable to fight the fight the necessary battles that are before us, unless a great HOLOCAUST transpires, and it will! If you & I aren't aware of the environment around us, and PREPARED, the words of the wise "ONLY THE FITTEST WILL SURVIVE" will pertain to each of us.
God help us. God helps ONLY those who help themselves!!!!
R ~ Paul Reimer
 Former Candidate
 State House of Representatives
 Chaplain "Boots"

Monday, April 1, 2013

EASTER & Passion week

Greetings from my desk; 4/18/13
We've been experiencing a rift of cold weather here in Colorado, and the front range. As we get older we forget what winters in the past have been. Boy am I getting soft? We rely on the Weather Bureau to make forecasts, often missing accuracy. I'm a native and a long time resident in the Denver area. However; the Denver & front range are set in a bowl right off [east of] the Rocky Mountains, a difficult place to predict accurately . The calendar says it's Spring! :) For those who have lived in Colorado, for any length of time, it is no surprise to have frosts and snow storms even as late as June 8. The weather patterns have changed a lot over the years, and it's not surprising with what's happening in our world today. Which leads me to the paragraphs & comments following.
As a boy raised on a farm, one experiences a wealth of information that urban kids NEVER have the opportunity to acquire. Incidental, they don't teach that in school. HARD WORK comes to mind, foremost! Next in line are SURVIVAL SKILLS. You learn to adapt very quickly to the environment around you, MATURE almost before the age of accountability! Working together as a team, not self sufficient. [Or selfishly] You understand and accept RESPONSIBILITY at an exceptional early age. Learn the value of the monetary system and how to attain & keep it. My first paying job was (75¢) yes, seventy cents and hour, picking potatoes by hand. I was fifteen at the time, hard work for a small statured boy, not to mention a ten hour day. After you got through from a day of labor in the hot sun, you still had chores to do when you got home! That involved milking [by hand] a dozen cows, bringing in fire- wood and coal. We didn't have running water, we had to pack it in morning and evening by the bucket full. The two holed privy was out by the barn. Baths occurred on Saturdays! Complaining was almost never heard of! Meals were made on an old fashioned wood burning stove, by my Mother [a LADY I remind you] that worked in the fields as well. As boys we learned how to cook,wash & iron, sew and other crafts. Coal oil lamps were our method of reading at night. We didn't need pep talks from our parents, we had the intuition to KNOW what was needed without being told. Mis behaving resulted in spankings. A complete different concept of what our generation is being taught and required today. We HONORED & RESPECTED our elders and parents, no questions asked. That early training has served me well, in my nearly three quarters of a century of life. I have never regretted any of the disciplines I received. With the education available today, our current generation has no clue what & how to live a balanced successful life, raise kids and be self supporting! We even helped our NEIGHBORS. Sound familiar?
Without the adopting the values & morals stated above, and history repeating itself, we are destined to succumb to the delegation of super powers [Washington] ruling masses of people, who will not stand up for our God given privileges & rights. America has become weak, unable to fight the fight the necessary battles that are before us, unless a great HOLOCAUST transpires, and it will! If you & I aren't aware of the environment around us, and PREPARED, the words of the wise "ONLY THE FITTEST WILL SURVIVE" will pertain to each of us.
God help us. God helps ONLY those who help themselves!!!!

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
One day past EASTER & Passion week, and most folks are back to their regular routine. As if the celebration by believers was a ONE DAY EVENT. And for some even the alleged BELIEVERS are in the same boat?
A poll on the news last night, depicted that 58%+- believe the Bible could be authentic and Christ may return in the next ten years. 28% have doubt that Christ's death, burial & resurrection are viable, and 14% don't know what to believe. I don't know about you, but this is the trend of today's culture. I refuse to be branded with any of the numbers given above. Emphatically, my iron clad conviction and belief; I believe that our Lord's return is imminent and soon! Unannounced! The Bible is authentic and true, cannot be altered, changed, added to or deleted to fit humanistic interpretation. BEWARE if you are one of these!
My heart is extremely heavy today as I write, I have received word that many folks are becoming disillusioned with church and the faith. Have lost the fervor of their original conversion. I have family members who are a part of this diabolical persuasion! Adopting the theory EVERYBODY will go to heaven and are saved, regardless of their deviant / half hearted lifestyle. Revelation is quite clear about being LUKEWARM!!!!! Mathew 7:23 says, "Depart from me, I NEVER knew you!" There are those who feel quite comfortable where they are, adequate in what they believe. If you haven't felt conviction to draw closer, I would be very concerned!
One step further, I can't find folks who will stand in AGREEMENT or BY anyone with a desire to reignite the fire. [Prayer or belief] Most have EMPTY words, and will not commit to the same. Should you be ONE who stands by me, I want to hear from you very quickly. Do not leave a message on my blog, contact me directly, and let me know where you stand! Confidentiality is my mode. Blessings only to those who receive correction!!!! According to Mathew 10:14
Just as an addition; Washington and our State Governments are working hard on what is called "Gun Control". Deceptively speaking, there is an underlying agenda. Criminal background checks & health-care. If you have ever been to court, it COULD be interpreted as being criminal! If you have ever been prescribed a mood changing medication, [depression] you COULD be classified as not being in your right mind to own a firearm. Confiscation is their desire. Disarming, so you are an easy target. Very subtle legislation, be very careful.......


R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"
Chaplain "Boots"

Friday, March 15, 2013


Greetings once again from my desk.
Spring arrives in less than a week, but here in Colorado we are still in for more snow, through the month of April. However the severe cold will be lessened. I've always welcomed Spring since a small tot. Whatever is your greatest venue, it's a time that welcomes many more activities out of doors. Mine is hopping on the Harley for a nice reprieve. Watching and cultivating the new sprouts and flowers peeking through the frost and snow. However, early spring you will have to take great diligence in watching those areas where they spread the sand, some slick spot may still be there in shaded areas. Toady I have an appointment to renew my Driver Licenses for another five years, WOW!
If you have been watching the news for the past month or so, you know that Colorado has made National headlines. Washington appears, it has a right to stick their noses in our business! With no actual sense what is happening, or how to fix it! Gun control, Civil Unions, Health Care, College Tuition, Immigration, Adultery and many more, so far over 350 bills have passed through the chambers and sent to the Governor's desk for his signatures. I don't know about you, but I have vehemently protested some of these issues with faxes, emails and phone calls to the particular legislators and the Governor. Many of the hearings in the committees in the House & Senate Chambers have been standing room only. Only to the disgrace of our voices not being heard. It's as tough the Heading to this post is all that concerns the folks at the Capitol?! It seems even close friends have adopted that same MO?????
Times are changing folks! I'm disgusted, even alarmed, at they way a great majority of folks are handling matters. It appears that a wayward agenda is creeping into the minds of this country, from Washington down to the local church. And we write it off as a cultural change we have to go along with!
I guess I'm too old fashioned to go along with that frame of mind and call it progress. I guess we hate to be singled out as a terrorist, moron or zealot????? Too many folks are leaving virtue, common sense, faith behind to be self serving! In a nut shell, more and more folks are disregarding the BIBLE as just another book filled with myths. The fervency and conviction have gone the way of Political Correctness, & Replacement Theology. We have so many easy to read so called Bibles, little conviction remains!!!!!!!! Theoretically, a greater number of folks aren't prepared to face the end times, physically, emotionally or spiritually! If I read correctly, we are in for a rough ride. It's time to get back to basics!
Enough said for this post. My heart is very heavy and concerned. We may loose our God given FREEDOMS and rights, if we as Americans don't stand up for what's right, change our thinking. NOW! Quit being a pacifistic with a "it's okay" attitude. We're being undermined and a sink hole is pending!!!

R - Paul Reimer, Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
720-238-1539 cell

Monday, February 25, 2013


 The morning 02/23/13 started out as a Hum Drum morning! Ate my one piece, incidentally last piece too, homemade banana nut bread with the usual cup of joe, followed by reading articles in Charles Stanley's monthly periodical. Yes, I read Baptist articles too! The article that struck my heart was A testimony from the guy with no arms and no legs. I've seen this numerous times, even on YouTube! Somehow, it struck me in a different way this morning, personally, I might add! I have arms and legs, but what do I do with what I have? Donnie, A friend of mine, called me this morning to thank me for advising him to stop the statins! Was that a coincident? Back to NICK VUJICIC! He has touched millions in 23 countries, with his testimony. What am I doing with mine? Oh yeah, I might have touched a few? However there is greater potential that has not been harnessed yet! Few have heard my testimony! But that's not the point! Locked deep inside is a desire to TEACH, I have that God give talent and that discipline is not being met anywhere to my knowledge! I shared a lot on the campaign trail, I've shared 23 - 30 years with the motorcycling world, and I’ve spent 2 years in the Evangelistic field, 2 years in a Pastorate. And yet my desire is unfulfilled! I've earnestly prayed for years, for God to open doors, give me a vision. This morning during my daily devotions; Job 2:1&2 -1:7 & 40:7&10, opened my eyes as NEVER BEFORE! The doors have ALWAYS been open! I have allowed distractions to keep me from facilitating what I've always wanted / had the ability to do!
    As a beginning; I have opened my doors to a HOME CELL TEACHING GROUP. This is NOT a Bible study or church!!!! This is for Believers and Un-believers alike! Many have never been taught the essence what makes one BELIEVE, WHY & HOW?! What do you believe and why? It even goes as far as to say; Why are you a REPUBLICAN or a DEMOCRAT? Sinner or Saint? Okay back to MY mission!! Would you allow me to TEACH you some BASICS, what Schools, Colleges, Churches, Civics, Economics have never taught? You might say at this point, "What makes you so special & self-serving to be able to approach such a subject?" You will have to come to the Thursday evening's fellowship, to learn & see for yourself! Come casual & prepared to LEARN! I'll guarantee you, you will walk away blessed as NEVER before!
-- R - Paul Reimer, Former Candidate
State House of Representatives

Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Small Group Meeting

  Let me first of all express my gratitude for all my faithful readers. Secondly, I apologize for my lack & inept posting on time. I’ve been under the weather for the past three weeks and still fighting to remain civil & semi-active. Apparently, this is the bug that has touched thousands across the country? I'm on the mend!
                Most of my readers have been aware of my campaign for the State House Legislative branch, that I did not achieve being the VICTORY There is a very BITTERSWEET feeling / emptiness in my life. However, at the onset I declared publicly, that if it was God’s will I would WIN! Apparently, it was not God’s will! I have accepted that to a degree, only to realize that I can do as much by grass roots work on the outside as the inside. I may not be able to cast a deciding vote on the floor, set in a Committee, however; I am able to muster sufficient voices  & backing to give a persuasive voice in most  hearings. Being and Advocate advising folks who don’t keep track of those things. I am conscientiously & adamantly following the Legislative processes; namely bills, calendar, committee hearings, First & Second Readings, including floor votes.  Writing letters etc. In my campaign I met a number of Legislators, and through Face Book and other Social venues, I am meeting scores of other Legislators, like-minded folks, who keep me informed and strive to serve the same goals as myself! Or vice versa! It helps to have others on board with a greater knowledge of research than I do. With that being said, much can be accomplished. Don’t underestimate the voice of the people!!
                I’ve pondered many subjects for posting, and we’ll get there one post at a time. If you have suggestions or comments, I’d like to hear them.  As an important note, that came about this morning, Via a phone conversation with a friend. I have decided to step out in FAITH and begin a long awaited journey.
                I am opening my home [Commerce City – Greater Denver area] for a NEW TEACHING CELL GROUP! Beginning next Thursday evening 7 pm [2/21]. This is not your typical cell group! It is NOT a church or Bible study!!!  However; it will be entwined with Scripture helps. The scope will entertain subjects relevant to today’s living; Cultural events ~ Financial ~ Government issues, both here & abroad ~ Support ~ Civil ~ Family. Renowned Professional speakers may speak, from week to week, on diversified subjects. Too many folks are hurting and don’t know where to go. Many churches are not supplying any help, and most folks will not go! People are looking for ANSWERS!!. This will be a very casual unintimidating setting. I am encouraging you to; post – forward – invite anyone you know to come check us out.  For more info call me;
303-288-4828,  cell 720-238-1539 emailing will work as well.
                One other item, before I close. If you have been following the NEWS, you no doubt have read or heard about the asteroid / meteoroid that have fallen in Russia and in the Bay area?  I’m not an alarmist, fanatic or deranged being, but this does arouse some thought / questions?  However, Scientist have already dismissed the event as a casual occurrence. It would behoove each of us to GET REAL, and face facts! Real Facts! If you have never picked up a Bible or read History, you may be in for a real shock of your life. I challenge you to become aware of our times.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


 January 2013 post
            Greetings Fellow Readers, Thanks for bearing with my rhetoric and me for the past ten months. Today’s post may no doubt be somewhat controversial?

            My heart is quite heavy with the current goings on, in our culture / environment. I hope your heart comes along likewise. I am not wishing any more burdens or unrest to your already hectic lifestyle. In all of my 73 almost 74 years, I have NEVER seen such dramatic changes at every turn. I think you may already assume where I am headed?

            I complain very seldom, due to the fact no one is listening and if they were, they probably don’t want to hear of my complaints, or they have enough to bear of their own!? My first comment is; I go to church, [incidentally EVERY Sunday] I sit in the same spot every week, leaving room for a lady friend of mine who arrives later. I suppose I could be gabbing about as well? Before the ceremonial opening, people are rushing back and forth in the audience greeting everybody, well, almost everybody! Then there are those who walk by with a comment “How are you?” not even stopping long enough to get an answer. Or was that a QUESTION, that needed an answer? Sufficing the need, to have been a courtesy to say the least?! My Father taught me, when someone [or you] are addressing [someone] you look them in the face!!! NEVER interrupt anyone in his or her conversation, unless it is extremely important! They teach that in Dale Carnegie class too. I Know! We have lost the ART of communication! The NEWS media, have a propensity to run words / sentences together, leaving annunciation far from being a good role model / moderator, as if they must crowd everything into a couple seconds.

            Okay, next point; everybody [or most everybody] is trying to fix everything for everybody, as if we have all the answers. Never stopping to get another viewpoint, Politicians & Clergy [did I say that?] are the worst offenders. I am deeply concerned regarding the direction we are told to take, from WASHINGTON. And the intent behind these divisive laws, avoiding Congress. Congress is NOT EXEMPT! However we [sic] elected them!??? There are three branches of Government, Right? Executive; seeing that laws are executed. Judicial;  judiciously enforcing laws, not creating them. Legislative; comprised of the House & Senate. Created to be a check & balance for each entity, writing proposed laws. That’s not happening! It’s a power grab, to say the least! I campaigned for the Representative Seat in the House, here in Colorado, to; REPRESENT the people. The first bill on the agenda was Civil Unions. [Special Interest Group] and the Governor backed it 101%. I thought that the chair [Governor / President] was not to side with either position. Am I correct, according to Parliamentary Law?  
The Constitution & The Bill of Rights are being disregarded, and if I may say, attempting to be eliminated for another form of governance? If that doesn’t scare you, nothing will!

            One more item and I will get off my soapbox. America is a land of tremendous opportunity! I love my COUNTRY! I will defend it! I will defend my Family! I will defend my right to WORSHIP! I will defend the Constitution!

            We apparently have no need of anyone, except the Government! EXCUSE ME! When has the Government come and sat by your side and comforted you? Listened to you? Been by your side when things went wrong?  Comforted you upon someone’s passing? Been a good NEIGHBOR? There are good programs that the Government has, I’ll admit, and essential, without creating more that burden others. Originally, there were programs DESIGNED to help the elderly & needy, that program gone too far! Washington will not listen; many conservatives are deaf and are not willing to step up to be heard! And others are blind to the FACT, AMERICA is losing it’s FREEDOM at a rapid rate.

            As always, your comments [pro or con] are always welcomed. Thanks

A former Candidate & current Chaplain

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gun Control

We are approaching the second inaugural, for the man who many voted for; for a second term.
IMO, we are in for a rough four years, if we endure that length of time? You; may look at it from either a political or Scriptural viewpoint. My intention is to look at it first, from [the] Biblical viewpoint! However; from my viewpoint  [which] has a greater point of relevance of coming to fruition than and included the political view.

Either way, AMERICA has turned it's back on the Sovereign authority of the Constitution and our God given rights and privileges. Eroding our freedoms has been taking place, in numerous Presidential terms, however no more so, than in the past term. Our current Representatives & Senators have gone by the way side as well, including our Justices! A total disregard to both Bible & Constitution values! Either way, should we continue on the path we are currently on, there is little hope for survival. I dread to think what is coming down the pike.

Our local governments as well, Washington have sided with the [will of the people]  Democrat controlled houses. No balance of legislative powers, [a run away Legislature?] The VOTE of the people is no longer viable! Mark my word! I see a collapse of our economic and democratic structure in the near future, nearing a Martial Law state, if nothing is done to prevent it. I do a tremendous amount of research & reading, receiving information from credible sources not available to the general public,of alarming news concerning current & future events. AMERICA WAKE UP!  The link I have provided, is long and very graphic.

Not suitable for children!!! A must read!
R - Paul Reimer, Former Candidate
House of Representatives

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stories, Past and Present

So you think this is Saturday??
Back home; it was the day to go to town for staples. Not the kind that hold pieces of paper together :)
Loaded the 50 gallon barrel for fuel, [gasoline - 19¢ a gallon] maybe sugar, Airway coffee for sure, and maybe a couple pieces of hardware. Father always stopped at Rexall Drug to get a handful of cashews, and some Licorice. Remember the sen sens? That was a breath refresher in a small box. We took several dozen eggs for an exchange, possibly dump the vegetable trimmings from the back room of the grocery store for the chickens. There were always some veggies & some fruit  that could be salvaged! I recall going to the dump [often] sometimes salvaged damaged boxes of  foods there.  Simple life, but it served us well. Oh, maybe a day to get a hair cut on top of the house if not on the porch, if it was too cold, then inside. Generally it was baking day, Mother set the sponge and off we went, "have to be back in an hour or so", she said. As I view the weather back home, on the tele, 35 below and 18 for the highs, reminds me of the article in THE ALAMOSA DAILY COURIER, January 28, 1948 Alamosa Temperatures Hits 50 Below Some captions read; Bureau says, "City Nation's Coldest Spot." Mercurial thermometers froze at -50 degrees. Some rural areas registered -52 degrees, on alcohol thermometers. Other captions depicted, "it was the coldest spot in the world", even  Anchorage, Alaska, where it was -34. "Some schools close." While City schools and Adams State College continued to have classes. As a nine year old, I remember it vividly!!! A Wednesday, no school, and Mr. Farnsworth couldn't deliver any mail. A reprieve for my Mother. She was the Janitor, [not custodian] she walked to build the fires in the morning & cleaned after sessions, for the three room school house. That included wash all blackboards once a week. I got a quarter a week allowance to help her.
    Kids today would shutter to even think of days like that!! They would rather sit at home with their X-boxes and iPads. Schools today close with way less snow and temps like that. That was the day when we walked ½ mile to school, for 8 hours of classes. We walked home for lunch and other kids packed theirs. We had outside privy's. I don't remember the date, when we had 48" of snow, Father hitched up ole Nelly [our burrow] to a motar box to take us to school. And all the kids graduated with honors! What has happened to our Society??? Men were MEN and women were LADIES, and often worked right alongside of the men with duties of the farm. Boys learned to be MEN and Girls learned to be Ladies! My Mother often wore a dress [homemade from flour sacks] to town and wore overalls to do chores. We packed in water from the well, in a bucket. Used the two hole privy out by the barn yard. No electricy, no phone. The wood burning cook stove helped heat the house & made wonderful meals. I realize I have softened with the modern culture too. Republicans were honored as Republicans and Democrats were honored as Democrats! So many things have changed. It would be refreshing to GO BACK, to the good old days, if for just for a moment? That does mean to leave everything behind, but for VALUE sake, let's give it a try! Richer, healthier, & emotionally stable. I'd like to hear your story............................
Email to;  subject line; STORIES