Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Reminiscing of Childhood Christmases

This time of the year brings very special meaning. Anticipation of its arrival was quite a bit more than a child could bear. The smell of fresh home made cookies, breads, pies and such for the big day's feast. The rushing secretive movements, of Father & Mother, not to mention my four older brothers. The adobe garage, barn and bedroom sometimes were off limits for a short time, especially the high shelves in closets, which stood vigil from curious little hands. Plans and invites were made far in advance, and finally Christmas Day. Nothing fancy, no tree, no wrapped presents. Mother in the kitchen tendering the ole wood Home Comfort wood burning stove. Breakfast was on the grill and so was the smell of the summer's goose or turkey. The old stove pouring puffs of smoke into the cold crisp winter morning sky. Seemingly knowing just what to do? Besides cooking the meals for a hungry family, it also kept the weathered three-room shack and its occupants toasty warm. After the morning chores of milking cows, feeding pigs & chickens, carting wood and coal inside for the day's burn. Also bringing in buckets of water to drink from the artesian well. Breakfast was set on an old round oak table, with twenty coats of varnish on it, surrounded by four chairs that didn't match & a five foot wooded bench against the wall. Oatmeal with real cream, twa bach, several dozen fried eggs, sunny side up, pancakes, fried freshly cured ham, coffee & fresh cold milk held us till noon. After all this was gone, everybody except Mother pitched in to do the dishes. Just who's turn to dry, this time didn't matter. Let's just hurry. Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for. Big shortening cans full of popcorn balls, peanut brittle [Father's delight] were brought out to enjoy. (These were made quite well in weeks prior to Christmas Day, and were off limits). There were times when even fresh oranges and such were available too. What a delight. After a while, Father would bring out the old German Bible, and read to us the Christmas story. Gathered around the old oak table, graced only with an oil lamp. I remember standing on the rungs of the back of the chair, peeking over someone's shoulder. The day was filled with tons of joy, love and laughter and good things to eat. Then small gifts [usually the home made variety] or well-needed clothes were exchanged. True appreciation and happiness abounded. What a blessed day! May each of you too, find a real peace and joy this Christmas Day. God Bless. 

*This framed article was penned, shortly after Christmas Day 1982, in honor of my Father & Mother, of the drafty home place and the fond memories it brought as a child. The four siblings who may have graced the table, for Christmas dinners several times during my childhood? Many times my Father may not have been present, being on a drunken spree? However, Mother and the boys made the best it could possibly afford. Sometimes, we may have had the opportunity to go to Grandmother's house or an Aunt.

A further explanation to this writing needs to be written. Christmas eve 1982 was a very depressing evening. My roommates had gone to enjoy a festive evening, and I felt alone and deserted. In the lonely passing hours, I made an attempt of suicide. Futile in the attempt, I woke the next morning very sick. I made a resolve, NEVER to attempt again or to allow anyone else that despair, NOR having a place to go on Christmas eve. 

This is a chapter taken from Paul Reimer's autobiography, still in progress.
Thought it was appropriate so you too can have a bright &  blessed CHRISTmas.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Social Security/Federal Benifits

I'm getting so angry with the political crap in Washington. And their way of FIXING THINGS!  It seems that these people don't realize that we have PAID into this Social Security most of our working lives. I personally paid FICA for 50+ years. It's as if it's a privilege to get some of it back?  HOW DARE YOU!

And change our  entitlements we paid into & call it FEDERAL BENEFITS. Another boondogle!!!
Apparently you guys got your head where it shouldn't be, and it stinks. YOU GET THE DRIFT?????? You guys wouldn't have any funds to withdraw if it hadn't been for us seniors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go here to see why. Call your Senators & Representatives in Washington today!!!!!!!

Voice your disdain. Post it on your social network, YouTube, forward, paste etc.! We have to be heard!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving (11/26/12)

Good Morning Everyone; 
                This post is going to be totally different than those posted during my campaign. I trust you will understand, and give me your feedback. As most of us are aware that the elections had an un-surprising result, and numerous individuals failed to properly prepare themselves for what resulted in a lost election.1 It is now imperative that we stand up and face the issues at hand. Don’t say there is nothing that can’t be done / undone. It will precisely take more individuals with the same purpose to negate what is on the horizon. In past posts I have eluded to the fact; Each person has to RESEARCH – READ – INFORM yourself with CREDIBLE information, and then act accordingly. If we sit here waiting for the Government [what’s left of it.] (sic) to help us or deliver us from the fallout or bondage ahead, we will not survive! Forget the partisanship crap, we’ve got to align ourselves with a single passion and then proceed with ONE PURPOSE. Forget the social issues, [while they may be important] there are greater problems that need to be addressed numeral uno!!!! If you don’t understand taxation & regulations, go to your Library and read up on ECONOMICS 101. A good source is; The Patriots Toolbox, from the Heritage Foundation. I want to form a Citizens Coalition challenging the Legislature, to be aware that we will be watching and will confront every piece of legislation that is not productive /or does not promote, general well-being for every taxpayer. This information will not and is not available on FOX NEWS< ABS< CBS < NBC< or the printed media. We must stop the current & proposed run away taxation / regulation [big Government] of the future. We have to bombard our Legislators, both on the local level and in Washington. I will supply you with the resources if you can’t find them, or don’t have them in your possession. THIS IS NO JOKE!
                I want you to begin with you KNOWING what is proposed in every action big “O” has and is planning on exercising from Washington. You spend time on Social Media, why not take half of that time researching what’s happening and what’s on the forefront. Yes, it will take some time and effort, but if we don’t get our lazy butt off the couch, we will get what we deserve. HAVOC! And don’t bitch about it when it knocks on your front door. It’s INEVITABLE!!!!
                Let me address a very sensitive subject. Delete it, if you can’t / won’t understand. This Nation was founded on Christian Principles, for the greater part we have either ignored or tried furiously /purposely to rid these principles. You may do that, if you so desire, but in the end, it will come back and bite you sooner or later. Let’s hope you don’t chose the latter!!!!! In my campaign I couldn’t, for TOLERANCE purposes cut to the chase! Maybe what I did do / say, caused my election demise????  I have no regrets! History repeats itself, and the information in the good book [BIBLE] is so accurate it’s incredibly insane. What is happening in Israel and the surrounding area, it’s allies and foes will directly have an impact on the United States of America and all of its people. Don’t be illusioned by what some folks believe; We live in America, a Christian Nation, I’m a good person, all people & religions go to heaven, if God is a good god, he won't allow our nation to fall! Do I have to say anymore? We are ACCOUNTABLE individuals, with immense amount of knowledge, and we refuse to use it! Incidentally, that includes me!, the person writing this! I’m not exempt! IT’S TIME TO TAKE A DEFINITIVE STAND!  WILL YOU STAND BESIDE ME?  I CAN’T DO IT ALONE!
Send ALL feedback, inquiries to; Paul Reimer [cbpr842@q.com] or call me on my cell for more info, subject line "feedback"
Your POINTMAN, and best friend,
Paul “Boots” Reimer
1  I’m not going to blame any political party for the outcome of the elections. You know what you voted for! Perhaps this is a lesson in History & Biblical Prophesy??  You decide.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The election is over for most of us

November 8, 2012

*Sorry this is a bit belated

            At last, the Elections are over, I’m burned out over all the campaign ads. Now we may have more time for commercials.
J I do not know which the worst are. I’m glad however the remote has a MUTE button J it will take a little time to get back into the groove. I’m not exactly too enthused about how the elections turned out, however; we have to keep on with a positive attitude and when possible voice our disdain or opinion to our elected Officials locally, State wide or in Washington. Written communications or personal phone calls do much more good than surveys or emails. Always be respectful. A good source of U S Congress contact information is in printed form from; Capitol Advantage P O Box 2018 Merrifield, VA 22116 or by calling 703-550-9500 While you’re at it try to get a copy of the U S Constitution & The Bill of Rights. It will give you great information on how and where to lodge your comments. IMO, every citizen should have a copy!!!

            Thirty-three weeks have gone by so quickly, since I threw my name in the hat. Being a first time participant in the political field, I’ve attained matchless information about the processes of running for an office. It’s a lot of hard work, for some it was a considerable investment, whether it be from personal funds or campaign funds. Most campaigns have campaign managers, secretaries and treasurers.  I was not so fortunate. The responsibility of filing Secretary of State Financial Reports every other week, in itself was very demanding. It entailed keeping track of all contributions, contributors, addresses & employment information. Four sets of records. Every contributor received a hand written THANK YOU card / letter. I attended over 60+ meetings, and made that many public speeches. Additionally, there were over two dozen business meetings, and numerous contacts. Keeping up with current events on the campaign trail and writing articles for the blogs and website, it was a hugh task in itself. I trust you enjoyed reading the goings on in my busy life.

            I suppose you want to know where I finished in this race. With 34 precincts reporting, 258,928 registered voters only 62.92% took the time to make their selection known. I finished with a 27.44% favored vote.  I think that is incredibly great, considering the fact I was a first time competitor. I’d like to think myself as a RUNNER UP; I refuse to adopt the phrase lost the race!
You may ask; how do I accept and feel about this outcome? Quite honestly, I would rather have liked to have had the opportunity to be in the House chambers today, for the Orientation process. However, I am at total peace about running this race with confidence and purpose. I put my best foot forward with great anticipation and effort. I gave my opponent a good run for his money. I commend my opponent for his successful endeavors, wish him well!. Being a country bumpkin [farm boy] I did extremely well. I stood for ABSOLUTE values and was not afraid to voice them. I have garnered many friendships in the secular world and the political world. I am not / was not ashamed of the convictions I stood for and made them known, many candidates did not do so! I believe that I could have made a considerable difference in the Legislature. Moreover, to boot [sic] I perused vast amounts of useful information, which would never have happened, had I not had this opportunity.  I studied profusely to make myself a good Representative. I have no regrets! I feel much of what I have learned / experienced, will somewhere be useful in another rewarding field. God always makes a willing heart / mind / hands useful, worthy of their endeavors, wherever he allows [places] us to be. I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. From the very first day, my attitude & prayer was, “If God wants me to be in this position, He will make it happen, if not, it was not meant to be. “ I truly believe & accept, He has another position waiting for me with the same or greater need than this. I will always try to be proficient, useful in any avenue my Lord & Master chooses. I will continue to post information via blogs & websites of my fulfillment in life. I will continue to follow & be active in the Legislative processes, and relay that information to my dedicated readers.

            I want to express my great humble gratitude and appreciation to all who have made this endeavor a great journey for me. Your thoughts, prayers, financial support and acknowledgements have sustained and given me hope along the way. May God richly bless each of you for your service to the one and ONLY! My cell phone number will remain the same; the P O Box will be discontinued. The email address [Hous_32rdc@q.com] will be discontinued, please feel free to use my personal email address;
cbpr842@q.com If you have comments or questions about any subject, Please do not hesitate to contact me. See ya down the road!

Paul Reimer CSC

R - Paul Reimer,
Former Candidate
House of Representatives

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pre-Election Post

We have one more day before our Elections are completed. I am very disturbed by what the media displays by our candidates, on the National level. One only needs to do some simple research to know the ads are BLATANT LIES! Should we continue under the current administration, we would suffer great loss of freedom, not to mention opportunity of employment? There is sufficient credible information available; numerous large Corporations will either close or diminish their outlets, & or lay off large numbers of employees. Our current UN-employment rate, figures released Friday show it rose by several points,& may increase even more shortly after the elections. Bankruptcy, foreclosures will continue to rise dramatically.  This Nation will not and cannot survive! Your VOTE is critically IMPORTANT, choose wisely. If you have already cast your vote, THANK YOU! If not, PLEASE VOTE, today or tomorrow, your vote does count!!! On the National level as well our local level.
                I’d consider your vote an honor, I’ll do my utmost best to make a difference to restore and sustain our freedoms. Thank you, may the good Lord bless & keep you in all of your endeavors, as you responsibly elect accountable candidates to office.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Greetings once again, from the Rocky Mountains;

    We are rapidly nearing the date, how the elections will be decided. There is much confusion in the media concerning facts and lies [fiction]. There are many credible sources available on the Internet to check out the TRUTH about who is portraying the positive message. You cannot rely on what the ads are trying to tell or convince you, for whom to vote for. A credible voter will research numerous avenues of information prior to casting his or her ballot. While here in Adams County, 53,000 ballots have been cast, & in the State,  800,000+ ballots have been cast to date.
                An initiative; [constitutional amendment] #64 legalizing the sale, distribution & use of “medical” marijuana is on the ballot. Reliable sources indicate that the use of methamphetamines, prescription drugs used illegally, and alcohol are on the rise to children as low as in first elementary grades.  Passing this amendment will only enhance and harm our culture beyond repair. PLEASE VOTE NO on amendment 64!!! I have, and scheduled for numerous informative classes on many diverse issues, including this issue. The use marijuana of by youth rose in Colorado by 24% from 2005 – 2009 While Colorado is implementing a violation while driving, while being [intoxicated with marijuana & or alcohol] stats show an increase of 28.3% in the past 5 years. Substance abuse is at a 27.8% level for grades 9 – 11. * info obtained from CDB & ACYI data.
                Economy is a big issue this election year, no one so far, has given a definite answer to how this can and will be reconciled. We are spending more on borrowed money [interest] than all of our resources are creating. Another issue is the abortion and women’s health. It’s amazing that these issues are reverberating intensely [distracting] our voters. When other more important issues, like taxes, Israel & health care in general [not Obamacare], job creation, foreclosures, will make or break the Nation in the coming years.  We must reduce our entitlements drastically! USA stands 7th in the GNP, this is very alarming, when less than ten years ago, we were #1. US have the highest Corporation taxes in the world. RESPONSIBILITY & ACCOUNTABILITY are key issues each one as AMERICANS must face quickly. WE MUST RESTORE FAMILY UNITS!

                Deception brings Diversion, ultimately a possible revolt. The sad scenario is; those who cannot read; Worst-case scenario is; those who REFUSE to read! We are not defenseless; we individually can and must make an honest attempt soon, to restore our Heritage & ethical / moral values. THINK about how your vote will affect future generations and yourself, as soon as January 1, 2013.I am currently planning to make my VICTORY speech, Tuesday evening. My orientation in the Legislature begins two days after the election. If you have already voted, THANK YOU. If not, please consider to allow me to EARN your VOTE.
                In past issues on my webpage, certain words or phrases were unreadable, due a formatting error in word processing software. A duplicate copy may be found on my blog. The problem was, BOLD & other commands changed the script. My webmaster failed to keep my webpage current; however, the issue has been resolved.

Contact me for more info;
or call; 720-238-1539



Thank you for your support. May the Lord richly bless & keep you.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A few weeks away

                In just a few weeks, all the ballots will have been tabulated, unless of course there are recounts.  238,000+- ballots in Adams County were dropped on Wednesday. Apparently a bit late, because voter registrations had been extended. This number may be inaccurate, as the number was taken from data earlier this year. It is estimated that 75% will vote early, via mail. About one third of the numbers given above have been inactive in past elections. However, new registrations will change that figure.
                It has been a long and tedious campaign, or at least it seems that way. Of course, should I be favored in the election process, Orientation to the Colorado General Assembly begins days after the election. Then five more days following thereafter, getting to know the mechanics of the Legislative system, before the end of the year. I have not regretted any of my involvement in this process of running for the post for the Legislature. I have met dignitaries & common folks, and learned so much. Many candidates are new to the process as myself. However, I truly believe that once inaugurated, the tenure / rule of business will not change much from the business affairs I have been accustomed to, for over forty-three years. I look forward to greater wealth of information, how this country should be run, and be a part of those decisions. Enabling & implementing partisan votes of 63 house members in actions that will embrace our economy & well-being, for current & future generations.   
                I have returned recently from a week away, for a well-deserved out of State Family reunion, in Arizona. I have two living brothers; one lives in Arizona and another in California. The last reunion of all five boys and their families, took place here in Denver nine years ago. Since then two brothers have passed on, and their wives. You can view some family pics on Facebook if you care. After a brief time to rest from the 951-mile drive, I will hit the campaign trail one final time. I believe that I enjoyed / appreciated the landscape more than ever before. I had been on the same route before on my Harley, the only way to appreciate God’s creation. I stopped in the San Luis Valley to visit a former classmate from years ago.
                I would truly like to earn your vote this November. Thank you, for your support, call me if you have any questions.
R- Candidate for House 32
Paul “Boots” Reimer

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Finish Line Aproaches

            Well, here we are, I can see the checkered flag ahead. One more round and we will be able to see who will be the victor! Twenty-Nine weeks of campaigning. Mail ballots drop in a few days; I would appreciate your VOTE! Soon we will find out if all the campaign finances, mailers, phone calls, door to door & the countless speeches have paid off. I cannot say I regret one iota the effort that has been applied, and the folks I have met. There is a purpose under heaven for everything that happens, or one may encounter. Last week I received a letter from the Colorado Legislative Council, informing me of the dates for orientation, should I be elected. As I have said many times over, If the Lord wants me in this position, he will make it happen. If not, I find great consolation in the fact I have been able to let folks know about my STRONG FAITH. I have run well! Some folks may rebut my remark. I’m trusting that the friendships I have established will last a lifetime. If I gain the position, I will be visible, unashamed of what I have been taught as a child & now stand for. Do not get me wrong, there is no place to PREACH, however; my strong values & morals will not be relinquished! There are many meanings / applications to the word CONSERVATIVE; Webster defines it as; TO CONSERVE / PRESERVE. The legislature / Government are in dire need of conserving, if we want to balance our budget, open the areas for entrepreneurship for new growth & employment. I intend to be a flagship legislator, doing my utmost best for the people that cast their votes in my behalf. Please stand with me with your ballot & my tenure in office. Together WE can change the way things that have been done; I will need your help. I am planning to hold monthly open forums in all the different communities, truly representing my constituency.  I believe in complete TRANSPARENCY of Government. The buck will stop at my desk!  I have been a hands on type of guy all of my life, that will not stop in the future, I’m not afraid to tackle the impossible & difficult tasks. I will be your POINTMAN!

You can count on me!  I will not be your TYPICAL POLITICIAN!

A few more posts & I will acclaim my ACCEPTANCE post! Thank you!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Voting machine fraud

09/10/12 post
Per our previous conversations with many of you regarding the vulnerability of compromising the electronic method of election tabulations, we are providing you with the following videos which represent a mere fraction of the available information substantiating what should be great concern about our election integrity.

After you have seen these videos we would like to talk again about possible methods for precluding this from happening.


While the title of the page indicates it's all about Ron Paul, the video has nothing to do with any particular campaign or candidate.

(The GEMS system mentioned late in the video is the central reporting location where data from all voting machines is collected and tabulated for a grand total.)

This video is a few years old but the machines are identical to ones being currently used nationwide, including Adams County, Colorado.

The same method of compromising these machines works on the touch screen machines at polling places.

Only about 15000 views for this video is shocking and indicates the apathy, or disbelief that such things can occur.

We experience the same attitude in trying to point out the vulnerability of these machines to being hacked.

I have worked extensively with the thorough testing and certifying these machines for election usage, using them during the election, and also signed as a head judge certifying the validity of the results, now leaving me feeling violated and used.

There's a second video, also a few years old, showing the process for altering one of the touch screen polling place machines.
It was produced in 2006 by Princeton University, which is the first video on the page for the link below.  It has had over 111,000 views, yet still nothing is happening to insure that this does not happen.  Numerous others are available on the page also.

Jim and Jayne Schindler
Co-Directors Colorado Eagle Forum
Colorado Senate Dist.25 Chair
Colorado HD 30 Vice Chair

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Greetings Everyone

Greetings Everyone;
  Advances in the political arena are seemingly out of control, with so much to absorb, review, & or possibly disregard?. One may desire to just avoid the news and the political garbage all together? I recently read an article that stated that only 3% of the voter constituency researches the issues and or candidates. That is, VERY ALARMING! What is even more alarming is the fact that most of the opposing party refuses to be informed of [facts] what the President is and has been doing in the past, mainly to garner votes this November. Like an ostrich with his head in the sand! You may disagree with my point of views and my GOP view. I don’t necessarily agree with the GOP either all together!! Will either party have all the answers to our woes? NO!
    Not only is the political field at great confrontation and jeopardy for the future. Also on the horizon is the alarming news in the Middle East. I subscribe to numerous sites [political & otherwise] that allude to what is on the forefront of todays & the future events. It is of great importance to have an open mind in these posts and have an awareness of History and current events. One may be easily distracted and influenced. I find that PRAYER & daily [meditation in the WORD] is a good source to determine which article has significance. I find that many including myself are REACTIVE rather than PROACTIVE!
    Now for some items that I have been involved in. The campaign trail is definitely warming up considerably. Since we are within 55 days or less of the mail ballots being sent, it behooves me, have I made convincing efforts for my potential voters? I want to thank all of my Volunteers who have diligently charged ahead, making thousands of telephone calls in my behalf. Too, I have attended numerous meetings, meet & greet local events, &backyard BBQ’s. Even brushing shoulders with dignitaries! Recently, I participated in the Adams County Republican booth at the Adams County Fair. Estimated attendance was 60,000+. Considerable contacts were made handing out literature for all candidates, and making personal contacts. My future agenda looks to be quite busy. I’m waiting for funds and endorsements to come in. My objective is to do a mass mailing to over 4,000 households, two weeks prior of October 12 mail out ballots. Your contributions and investment is critically important at this time. For those who have already made that endeavor, I THANK YOU immensely. When I make my VICTORY speech, every name will be made known. “Give & it shall be given unto you.”  
Contact me; 720-238-1539, http://bootsreimer.blogspot.com, voteforboots.com, P.O. Box 583 Commerce City, CO 80037

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tragedy in Aurora

              In this post / issue my readers may not necessarily agree with my view point. That’s everyone’s prerogative. Early Friday morning, here in our great metropolitan city we had an incident occur that made headlines throughout the world. Watching television, we got what the media wanted us to hear; [fact or opinion] in some cases it was biased. Then what we perceived to hear and see, individually, we formed [jumped] to our own conclusions, what the problem was and how to solve it, how it could it have been avoided. I was not there, neither were most of you. A lot of rhetoric and blame became evident. The media insists that they will focus on the victims and not the perpetrator. Why then is there so much to do about the incident, detailing every nook and cranny, including the residence where this man grew up. The family requested privacy! Can we not honor that?

                I personally was very disappointed in the representations & speeches of elected officials & clergy, [Yes, I quoted that right!] in the event held yesterday at the Court House steps. I felt it was Politically & Religiously motivated. This individual CHOSE to do great harm which is inexcusable. Why? I will never understand, neither will any of the professionals or anyone else, who may become a part of this situation. Only Mr. Holmes & his Almighty God know for a certainty. My diagnosis is not important, whatever I may feel or think as a Victim’s Advocate & Counselor. When I view the picture of this individual, I say “I see a handsome man who made wrong decisions, for whatever reasons. Additionally, I perceive that he had great potential.“ I’m reminded of the account of the women at the well. Jesus wrote on the ground, scripture doesn’t say what he wrote, he told the audience “He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” Apparently that did not exempt anyone there, as in this case. I pray for the families who are experiencing great loss, sorrow, pain & suffering. I ask our Sovereign Lord & Saviour to give comfort, physical, emotional & Spiritual healing. I pray for justice to prevail.

Paul “Boots” Reimer CSC
[R] Candidate
House of Representatives
District #32 Adams County

Friday, July 13, 2012

Greetings from the beautiful State of Colorado!

Greetings once again; from the beautiful State of Colorado, home of the Rocky Mountains.
I know, it’s Friday the thirteenth, I’m going to endeavor to bring you all up to date as much as feasibly possible, I’m not superstitious. Despite the warm temperatures & the lack of rain, we are engaging in the campaign at full throttle. Thankfully the wild fires are nearly or fully contained. Many homeowners have suffered losses that I can’t even begin to imagine. I believe the firefighters accomplished the task with a great cost, enduring the hardships of being away from families & home for such a long duration. Number one, it’s DEDICATION for the cause they are fighting for. And indeed, that’s why I’m in the race for the Legislature. Sure, there are disappointments when we struggle to gain ground and it may appear we are losing ground. Never look back! As the song writer says “don’t count your money, till the dealins done.” I anticipate a VICTORY, even though there is much ground to be covered between now and November.
The Victory Centers are open and recruiting folks to do telephone calling, we should be able to contact considerably more folks. Additionally; individual candidates are able to make calls from home, using the large data base. I’m not sure how all this works; a candidate can filter it down to their own precincts. WOW! Talk about technology? All I know, I have to do my best with what resources that are available and the God given talents given to me. Neighborhood meet & greets, I’m always attending meetings, and giving short speeches where ever possible. This morning I had the great opportunity to be interviewed by the North Metro Chamber of Commerce. We should know who they will endorse in a few days. In my opinion, it went very smoothly and well. The surveys are coming in right and left, checking to see if a candidate stands with their issues or not, some will endorse and fund accordingly.
Funding is a great concern for most candidates, I’m no exception. A suggestion has come up in the past few days to get the Front Range Bikers together to do a Charity Fund RaiserPoker Run for my campaign. It is legal as long as we do not raffle any items. Ending with a HUGH Bar B Que. Did I mention FOOD? While we are  in the preliminary stages, several organizations have already been contacted. Several Biker oriented publications, who cover the Front Range & the entire State, will publish a blurb regarding my campaign, in their next issue. Being an advocate for motorcycling, this may encourage voters to check my name at the ballot box? More information will follow in subsequent posts. Please spread the word.
Here are several links for your investigation;
There will be more in future posts.
Feel free to contact me, in fact I encourage it! Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


This makes me proud to   be an American.   May you Rest In Peace!
VanT. Barfoot June 15, 1919 - 2 March 2012.
Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag down?
You might remember a news story several months ago about a crotchety old man who defied his homeowners association and refused to take down the flagpole on his property and the large flag that flew on it. Now you can find out whom, exactly, that man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburgh -- probably didn't make much news back then. Twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, near Carano, Italy, Van T. Barfoot, who had enlisted in the US Army in 1940, set out to flank German machine gun positions from which fire was coming down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced through a minefield, took out three enemy machine gun positions and captured 17 prisoners of war.

If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later Encountered three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions. He disabled one of the tanks and forced the other two to redirect towards the flanks. That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a Colonel after also serving in Korea and Vietnam, a Congressional Medal of Honor.

What did   make news... was a neighborhood association's quibble with how the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American   flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be flown on a house-mounted bracket, but, or decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were   unsuitable. He had been denied a permit for the pole, erected it anyway and was facing court action if he didn't take it down. Since the story made national TV, the neighborhood association has rethought its position and agreed to indulge this old hero who dwells among them.

"In the time I have left I plan to continue to fly the American flag without interference," Barfoot told The Associated Press. As well he should, and if any of his neighbors still takes a notion to contest him, they might want to read his Medal of Honor citation. It indicates he's not good at backing down.

Van T. Barfoot's Medal of Honor citation:

BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE! AND, BECAUSE OF MEN LIKE VAN BARFOOT! He is obviously not related to anybody in congress!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Having fun at swing the vote

    Another sequel to the cyber world via my blog. I wonder from time to time how many folks are actually reading my blogs? First; I want to sincerely express my appreciation to each & everyone who has been instrumental in any capacity, promoting my tenure running for the Legislature. Only days exist from today, till we will positively will be aware of our competitors / opponent. That's when the rubber will start to meet the road! You as the voter will have to decide which issue or Candidate will best represent you for the next four years. You need to be keenly aware that Colorado is a deciding State in the November Elections namely; why is Obama focusing on so many visits to our State?  If you solely depend on the media, you will not have a true representation of the actual FACTS, who can & will lead our Government to a better life in the next four years!!!! Being a true CONSERVATIVE and supporter / defender of our CONSTITUTION, I truly believe that we as intellectual AMERICANS have the DUTY to VOTE responsibly!  That happens only when each of us take the time to research diligently all candidates & issues. I would urge you to get a copy of the Constitution if you do not have a copy, Go to; The Heritage Foundation. org In my next blog I will have links that you can use to check out our next electorate & issues.

Gary Mikes,  Matt Palitch, and Paul Riemer
If you have any comments or questions where I stand, please email me at; Hous_32RDC@q.com or direct mail me at; Elect Paul "Boots" Reimer P O Box 583 Commerce City, CO 80037 I would deeply appreciate your financial support as well. Our funds are extreamly low. I'm not in this race for the Legislative power / recognition, but honestly a position to REPRESENT with integrity,& reliably the Citizens of Adams County & the State of Colorado. I am not easily swayed by those who DO NOT represent sound & Accountable Government.

    On June 9, the Adams County Republicans set up a booth in Derby, on Niagara Street, [DERBY DAZE] representing many Candidates running for; Congress, County Commissioner, C U Board Regents, C U Regent at Large, Senate & House Representatives. Not to forget Rick Santorum. A very busy & hot day, [near 100 degrees] we distributed considerable amount of literature and talked to scores of folks. Our competitors were down several blocks also distributing their literature and talking to folks. I The Primary Election is this coming Tuesday, that's when the REAL CAMPAIGNING will be begin. I ask for your dedicated support.
Thank you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Greetings 6/4/12
    The past weekend proved to be a very productive time spent at several venues, meeting and greeting folks. Saturday morning began early with sharing a booth with the candidate for Senate District 25,  THE SUMMER KICK-OFF at Mile High Harley Davidson Dealership in Aurora, CO. Over 2,500 riders showed up for the Charity event. Then it was off to Brighton, CO for the Culture Fest, where we got rained out with high winds. Estimated crowd was in excess of 7,000  On Sunday, we went to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds to view the TOPGUNCOPS MOTOR OFFICER'S COMPETITION [www.topgunscops.com] on their motorcycles. A very worthwhile time investment. Officers from surrounding States and local areas were involved in the competition.

    PLEASE NOTE: Mail in ballots are beginning to be mailed today for the Primary Election. Early voting begins on June 16. If you have moved, changed your name or have not registered, you will not be able to vote! Registration for voting needs to be completed 29 days prior to the day of voting. ONLY Republican & Democrats are eligible for voting in the Primary Election,  If you are not registered, you must do so soon! Remember, you DO NOT need to fill in or vote for issues or candidates on your ballot if you choose not to do so or you are undecided.  EVERY VOTE COUNTS. The November 6th General Election is a critical election, in Colorado, particularly the redistricted District #32 will be watched very carefully. We need to gain a seat in the Senate and retain our seat in the House. Information on the Internet regarding our candidates may not be fully available until after the Primary June 26.  Visit SMARTVOTE.COM
    As in earlier posts; please visit my WEB PAGE & BLOG for weekly updates. Inquiries Welcomed! I WILL RESPOND TO EVERY ONE! I accept PayPal for contributions. Just click on the DONATE button. I need your vote [tell other folks about me], volunteers & your financial support for a dynamic and sucessfull campaign. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Commerce City, Memorial Day Parade

May 28,2012
Commerce City, Memorial Day Parade

 A beautiful day in the Rockies for a GREAT parade. A bit breezy, just enough to make the flags fly at full mast,75 degrees. The Adams County Republicans were staged near the end of a two mile long [2 hour] parade procession.  Joe Coors, Gary Mikes, Donnia Howell, Mary Dambman, Matt Arnold, Kaarl Hoopes, Fran Bigelow, Matt Plichta, John Sampson, Rick Santorum & others were all represented. In the race are; U S Congress, C U Regents, Adams County Commissioners, State Senate, State House. We jointly represented  several Districts, many Precincts, within the much watched State of Colorado.
 Mr. Reimer rode his Harley with three flags proudly displayed, American, Colorado & the POW / MIA. An estimated 750 hand bills were handed out to the parade watchers along the route. Meeting & greeting voters from every walk of life and race. Many Veterans saluted the flags as they passed by. Some of our candidates will be facing off in the June Primaries, others in the General Election in November. If you have not registered to vote, you have 29 days before the election to do so. EVERY VOTE COUNTS. This is a critical Election year!  I have personally resolved to MAKE A DIFFERENCE not a change. I will REPRESENT MY VOTING CONSTITUENCY 101%  Not the Legislative protocol, I plan to have  Town Hall Meetings every month. 


 I am a Statesman not a Politician!!! A businessman, I can and will trim the budgets!!!! Visit me on my blog; http://bootsreimer.blogspot.com   Voice  your concerns at; Hous_32Rdc@q.com
 Paul "Boots" Reimer,  State House Representative District #32

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The campaign kicks off

 Mr. Reimer is keeping a full schedule with campaigning, along with his volunteers. Campaign finances are a bit slow coming in. However, He is making great progress in his District, [#32] with flyers and phone calls. He is running unopposed in the Primary Election. Speaking at selected venues, it appears he is well accepted with his conservative views. Mr. Reimer is a  true Statesman, not a Politician, with REAL Family values. He will defend & support the Constitution. On Memorial Day weekend [Monday] he is going to be participating in the local Commerce City parade, which is the largest in the west, handing out literature and exposing his name & intended post to thousands. Other venues include a Culture Fest in Brighton, CO.

 Some of the issues he is presenting are; Accountability, Transparency in Government, Trimming the expenditures & tightening the budget. Restoring trust in our elected officials. Relaxing regulations / taxation on new businesses to create an environment for job growth in the County & State. He is adamant / unashamed about his unfeigned STRONG FAITH Base. His motto; MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOT CHANGE. We're having lots of fun beside the work, meeting and greeting folks from all walks of life. :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Who is Paul Reimer?

Paul Reimer was born and raised in Alamosa, Colorado; he attended a three room country school that was heated by old wood & coal burning potbellied stoves.  He & his four brothers walked each day a quarter mile regardless of weather, often even in 30 below zero temperatures & 36” of snow. Mr. Reimer graduated with a B+ average. He then came to the Denver metro area in 1956 where he pursued, continued education, as well beginning his gainful employment. Mr. Reimer became an entrepreneur in business early on. He was involved in many trades; General Building Contractor, Drafting, Real Estate Investment & Management, Insurance Appraisal  / Adjuster & Retail Sales.  He holds a degree in cost engineering, with the International School of Construction Estimating. Mr. Reimer currently serves as a Resident Chaplain & integrated counselor for several motorcycle organizations & the public. He recently completed a course as a Victims Advocacy Assistant with the Commerce City Police Department / COVA.
He first became interested in the political arena at the recent Adams GOP County Assembly, where he was selected by placing his name in the running for State House Representative, House District 32. His desire is; to bring transparency,&  trim government spending. Bring accountability & choice to our school system.  Restore Parental Rights. 

GOAL ORIENTED                                                                                            
Strong Faith based, A working class Representative, Not a Politician/Trustworthy, Will support the US and Colorado Constitutions, Proven Leadership Skills                                                                              

Credible, Ethical, Objective/Accountable, Hard working

Photography, Outdoor Camping, Fishing, Hunting, Reading, Holistic Health, Culinary Arts, International Travel, Motivational Speaking & Motorcycling.