Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Letter

            It’s been a while since the last post, so I best get with the program? Two Thousand Thirteen will soon go down in history. Another 15,000 miles have been added to the odometer on the Honda. One trip to Kingman, Arizona for the final moments of my dear sister-in-law, in October. On the way back stopping by to see a long lost friend in Farmington, New Mexico. I have driven very few miles on the Harley, it seems I have lost the intrigue of riding, solo. I am not as sure of myself holding the 600 pound machine up on two wheels when parking. I can’t bring myself to the point of disposing of it either yet! It’s kindda like your first love.  I would like to retain it until I have reached the 300,000 mile marker however. There will be no more long distance excursions, like the 1999 trip to Belgium with my two buddies I became acquainted with in 1998 on the way to Milwaukee for the reunion. If you have a hankering to join up with someone, I would be most delighted to entertain the idea.
            Two Thousand Thirteen has been a roller coaster year, with about the same agenda as previous years. My health has been reasonably stable, no new problems to speak of. My Cardio Doc has given up on me trying to control the cholesterol, and the PC doc has given permission to discontinue them all until further notice. Have had several basal cell carcinomas surgeries, and many that were frozen. I have maintained my weight to some degree, minus 5#. My eating habits are changing as I attain age. Still a meat & potato man like when I was much younger. I can accommodate an invite for dinner anytime.   Fortunately I rarely gain weight as my metabolism takes care of that. I have had a couple minor fix it jobs, due to the energy level which runs out very quickly no other work. I do however try to take my daily walks, that vary from ½ to 3 miles. I added a Concealed Carry Permit to my collection of merits. Finished 24 years as the Resident Chaplain with the Motorcycle Road racing Association, opted to stay one more year as the Lord leads. Performed several weddings and numerous counseling sessions. I recently spent ten days in Florida, near the Gulf, celebrating an early Christmas with a dear buddy of mine and his Mom. Had a great time, sightseeing, and watching the guys fish. I learned to eat fish [fresh caught]. As a child I got burned out on fish and never have attained a great taste for them. Maybe now I can start from scratch again? The humidity was considerably different than Colorado, 65º is Florida is MUCH different than 65º in Colorado. Go ahead and laugh!! I’ll take summer fly fishing any day over the fishing routine there. However had we had the opportunity to take the boat out for deep sea fishing, that may have changed my mind. Did see some big catches, though! I’d like to share a script of mine penned 30+ years ago.

Reminiscing of childhood Christmases, this time of year brought very special meaning. Anticipation of it’s arrival was quite a bit more than a young child could bear. The smell of fresh baking cookies, breads, pies & candy for the Big Day’s feast. The rushing secretive movements of my Father & Mother, not to mention my four older brothers. The garage, barn, bedroom sometimes were off limits for short periods of time, especially the high shelves in the closets, which stood vigil from curious little hands. Plans and invites were made far in advance, even at Aunts & Uncles places. And finally CHRISTMAS DAY!
Nothing fancy, no tree, no wrapped presents. Mother busy in the kitchen tendering the ole wood burning Home Comfort stove. Breakfast was on the grill and so was the smell of the summer’s goose or turkey. The old six hole stove was pouring puffs of smoke into the crisp winter morning sky, seemingly knowing just what to do. Besides cooking meals for a hungry family, it also kept the three roomed weather shack and it’s occupants toasty warm. After the morning chores of milking cows, slopping the pigs,, feeding the chickens, then carting in wood & coal for the day’s burn. We carted in buckets of water as well for drinking and cooking. Breakfast was set on an old round oak table with many coats of varnish on it. It was surrounded by four painted chairs that didn’t match and a five foot wooden bench along the wall for the little ones. Oatmeal with real cream, twa-bach [a German semi-sweet bread], several dozen fried eggs sunny side up, pancakes, freshly cured ham, coffee, whole milk & sassafras held us till noon. After this was gone, everybody except Mother pitched in to do the dishes. Just who’s turn it was to dry didn't matter, let’s hurry. The moment everyone had diligently waited for; big shortening cans full of home made cookies, popcorn balls, peanut brittle, [Father’s delight] divinity was brought out to enjoy.  Then Father would bring out the old worn German Bible and read the Christmas story, all gathered around the table with an oil lamp in the center, I stood on the back rung on Father’s chair, looking over his shoulder. Small home made variety gifts, needed clothing [usually a pair of overalls, a polo shirt, gloves] or coat, a pair of shoes were handed out, sometimes with an orange or apple.  We were extremely blessed, times were very hard in the depression, but we made do with what we had and were happy.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.  And a Blessed New Year.

Brother Paul 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Free Time

October 22, 2013
Just checked my day timer, and it appears there are no appointments for the rest of the week, or am I missing something? On the fun side of life, everybody seems to think that when you are past forty, old people don’t have their ducks all in order. J And younger folks do????????? That’s debatable! I use the term often; Been there done that! I can hear you chuckle. J

It’s been a very taxing week for me and our family. One more Family member went home to meet their reward. That’s five in the past 4.5 years. Lois was ready to go. Her body all worn out, nearly forty years from arthritis, in almost every joint in her body, and quite a few had been replaced. She just passed her 81st birthday a few days ago, still played the piano very well. I’ve never known a person who had such grace and pleasing disposition, even though all the pain. When you asked her, how are you doing today? Her response, I’m doing well! Again, Lois, really, how are you doing today? Then she said “Well,,,,,, not quite as good as yesterday.” It takes a lot of fortitude to admit and say that, when you’d have the desire or need to complain! Yes, more than fortitude. More than just grace. She managed to do the meal preparation; even when her hands were so crippled, using her wrists to hold things. Hadn’t been able to walk for years, she scooted around on an office chair. Her husband had to lift her from one place to another. Amazingly, she NEVER lost her will to serve others with a big smile. She longed to go home, where she would have a NEW body with no debilitating joints. What grandeur that must be? A life lived to the fullest with the expectation of GOD’S love, Grace and love. Just what His word provides through faith and just living. This reminds me of the song, “You oughta see me now!” & “I can imagine.” 

I mentioned earlier a taxing week. Yes, driving 17 hours straight through, with one fuel stop. I was there, in her final hours, [as in the other deaths] supporting my brother and family, his wife of 64 years in Dec. God is good! Lois is and will continue to be my inspiration! Till we meet on the other side.

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Monday, October 7, 2013

Good Morning from the FEE STATE!

October 2, 2013
Good Morning from the FEE STATE!
Reread Matthew chapter 24: folks. And Ephesians 6:12
If you have not experienced the beginning of the battles, or are presently involved in, you are about to! Let me rephrase that; many individuals who claim to be walking steadfast with the Lord, may be in jeopardy that will encompass your lives by experiencing difficulties in your life and home. Satan only buffets those who walk closely with the Lord. Again, let me remind you, that these trials that are being sent from HELL, and not from the Lord, to discourage your dedicated walk. Discouragement, health, financial or other difficulties, are only a few trials for the moment. Tighten the hatches SECURELY, and FIRMLY! The battle has only begun, you haven’t even seen or experienced the beginning yet!!!! What the future holds is anyone’s prognosis! The [spirit] of the Anti-Christ is at work, understand; THE [personhood] of the Anti-Christ is about to be revealed!!!!!!! We must fully understand [interpret] the scriptures what the events leading up to the end times are. Most Christians do not understand fully the events that must take place before the Saints of God are called home. Great destruction and carnage are about to take place, in other words, a TRYING time for those who call themselves born again Christians!!!! The current shutdown of Washington is a smoke screen. Do not buy into it!
My prayer is; our FAITH is about to be tested as never before, and our FAITH is ONLY through the power of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, and the WORD! I have a vision I cannot share in this post. I challenge each of you to seek the Lord in prayer earnestly as never before, for the [personal] revelation / direction, that will come to pass. Very shortly, I might add! If you have any doubt of your survival / or being caught up. Take action on your knees very personally!! If you need prayer, contact me. 24/7

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
720-238-1539 cell
Chaplain "Boots"

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Greetings;    I thought I’d try to change the view of the page a bit, by inserting a fav, which still exists and welcomes you at all Colorado borders. Truly Colorado has many colorful views, too numerous to list them all. If you haven’t visited Colorado, you are missing out.  As a native, I’ve explored most of the area along with the State & National Parks. One thing about Colorado is; that regardless how warm the summer’s heat is, in the day time, the night’s usually are very comfortable. Many folks brag about their own State, oceans, beaches etc. However, the Rocky Mountains and all the magnificent views it holds, are priceless. 

In two weeks the calendar says, Autumn or Fall begins. You would never know it by the temps we have been experiencing the past few weeks. It’s been a difficult summer for me [heat wise]. However; weather in Colorado can & will change in a moments notice. One change that indicates Fall is right around the corner, is the changing of the colors in the Aspen trees. Leaves will begin to turn colors [dark green, browns, reds & yellows & in between] then fall, here in the city as well. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t relish the changing of seasons [winter]. I truly love Fall weather, probably more than any other season except Spring. When the first snow flakes fall, I become a kid again! There is one advantage, I can stay inside where it’s warm & dry, and most often do what I like to do best, begin baking.


I’d like to share a few items with you. In a week, the last race of the season will take place with MRA ~ Motorcycleroadracing Association.  Go to for more info. To celebrate my Chaplain Residency of 24 years, we will hold an open house. CHAPEL APPRECIATION SUNDAY, Breakfast al a cart will be served. We are honored to have had nearly thirty in attendance the last few races. God has been good, no severe injuries have occurred. Ten separate locations have served as competitive race tracks, for challenges of our membership, including Utah & Nebraska. I have traveled nearly 50,000+ miles to & from these tracks, walked nearly 1,500+ pit miles, made 1,000 follow-up visits, conducted 200 Chapel services, not including weddings etc. This number does not reflect counseling sessions. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this great organization. Lord willing and my health permits, I plan to continue next year. It’s always comforting / rewarding when individuals express their growth & to have found the way, by example or through the services held every race Sunday at 0630 hours. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Highlights

August 21, 2013

            I best get with the program and post another article, while I’m thinking about it. 
With the summer’s heat and other minor obligations which seem to pop up from the middle of nowhere, it’s time to take a moment and do some reflecting. 
            In April we got news that my dear sister-in-law has been diagnosed with small cell cancer, on her digestive tract, lungs, and liver. Tumors the size of grapefruit & many the size of golf balls.  Prognosis was 6 months to a year, that is probably a very rough estimate. She has struggled with debilitating arthritis for many years, always having a smiling face and a great outlook on life, never complaining. She has maintained a strong inner faith and witness for many. As you recall since 2010, my family has dealt with 2 brothers, two sister-in-laws, several cousins, who have journeyed before us. Leaving three of us boys and one sister-in-law.  All candidates, for the next call to come home. 
            Here’s a funny for you, just to lighten the message to follow. We have those things on our vehicles that are referred to as; SIGNAL LIGHTS. AAA estimates that less than 30% of people use them. Not surprising at all? I’d like to change the name to COURTESY LIGHTS, which some folks don't use or have, [courtesy that is!]  If they are truly SIGNAL TURN LIGHTS they should be connected to the steering wheel, which perhaps is the reasoning behind TWO BLINKS before they enter your lane???? As a biker, this is a very scary & dangerous operation, other than running red lights. 
            Recently, I have been getting a ton of SURVIVAL mail, along with the effort of total extinction of all GUN RIGHTS & POSSESSION, including ammunition.! With an open mind, I have to realize that a considerable amount of this is nothing but hype, yet I think everybody in their right mind should heed some warnings, to be prepared for any situation. The heat is beginning to come about with new candidates [political that is] for the elections both in November and 2014. I dare say that 98% of those won't change a thing if elected. Remember the slogan “CHANGE?”  Indeed we have seen change, and it sure isn't for a better Democracy. It doesn't take a third grader to figure it out!!! I've mentioned “I’m not an alarmist, but maybe I should be?” One survival site uses the term, “BUG IN & BUG OUT” meaning if & when a call for action [evac] is amplified, do you stay put or run. Most folks will BUG OUT, jamming the freeways and head for the hills, if you're lucky. So how long can one survive with what you took in a hurry? If there are stores handy, their shelves will be empty! We have had a lot of forest fires, evac notices are short an immediate. If you BUG IN, how long and how much resistance will you have to face to remain, and for how long? Under Martial law, [very possible, soon] you will be the one who will protect your dwelling & family. If you perhaps have sustenance for a long duration, you may be under attack to relinquish some, or have it squandered by thieves, or those who are more hungry than yourself. Either way, life comes to an end at some point in time. "I'll fight till I can't anymore!" The ONLY thing that matters is; are you ready to meet your maker? Some serious thinking, huh? If you need some help, please consider contacting me. Thanks,

Chaplain “Boots”


R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good Morning from the desk of Chaplain “Boots”


            Greetings everyone, trust this post finds you well, both physically and spiritually.
If I were to title this post, it would be; WHO IS YOUR ALLY?
With the new and coming hopeful electoral candidates for the November & 2014 election, speeches are becoming VERY confusing…. This is not the time to select and positively toss your thinking and future vote on any particular person. Some are waffling and changing their platforms. WAIT till the REAL truth comes out in EVERY candidate. Most candidates are testing the waters, what works and what does not work. Hold your monetary support till the waters become calmer. There is a lot of speculation and false information being presented at this time. You know the Media is very biased, as in most of my posts, I suggest; DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!! Where has this candidate been? What has his stand been prior to this campaign? Many will promise to do this or that, we have been there many times before, right??? When they get into office, all the promises go out the window. I don’t need to tell you these things, you are wise enough to make a viable decision. 
            WHO IS YOUR ALLY? Above, we approached the meat in the nutshell, however; there is so much more to this communication than what I can relate. Some of which I hesitate to put in print, because I have no idea who is reading this. I do not intend to make myself a TARGET for any adversary, unnecessarily!!!!!! However, I will not bow to political or political correctness! If you need to know more of what I’m trying to communicate, then you know how to get a hold of me. False teachers and prophets are surfacing by the scores, these are both political & so called spiritual  voices in the wilderness! I’m sorry to say, this includes messages or lack thereof in our churches. I am very careful to whom I listen to and support - even pray blessings over! I receive volumes of information, some credible, some very distorted. I have countless  ACQUAINTANCES, who may not be my FRIENDS.  I have to be on guard with discernment & wisdom to sort out which information which bears keeping and or repeating! Using proper vernacular, NOW IS THE TIME TO BE [get] PREPARED, There is no possible SURE / VIABLE information which will be totally accurate, other than the SCRIPTURES! The rug [so to speak - sic] could be pulled out from under each or any of us in a moment, without notice!! Our present source [media] information is sketchy and unreliable. Have I made my point???? 

“Take heed,  that no man deceive you”  Matt 24:4
Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.. I Cor 10:12

Chaplain & Counselor
Chaplain “Boots”


Wednesday, July 10, 2013




Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of communications. Many folks HEAR but do not LISTEN. This was one of the first items mentioned in one of my classes years ago. Another by product of the same scenario is; making comments while the moderator is presenting his view, disrupting the flow of the class. Usually the moderator will open the floor to questions and comments during and after the presentation. I have a very difficult time with folks who interrupt. It’s downright rude and very impolite! But we live in a post modern culture, where nothing is sacred anymore. Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you “HOW ARE YOU?” And proceed on their way without waiting for an answer! This is CRASS IGNORANCE, and DISRESPECTFUL! My Facebook says I have hundreds of social friends. Rarely does anyone respond to my posts, as if purposely ignored. Perhaps, it’s not of a social nature to respond? One thing comes to mind, maybe I’m wrong in assuming; me being a man of the cloth, folks are intimidated by my person or verbal gestures. I know for a fact that some are even jealous of the STRENGTH, I possess, physical, materially, & spiritually. That’s okay, I’ll NEVER judge you or make you feel insecure. When I was a child, the THING was “Children weren't made to be seen, or heard, just listen.” That stuck with me for years, part of that still hampers my communications. The loud mouth in the crowd always gets attention, in other words “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Some folks have all the ANSWERS to almost EVERYTHING, even before you have a chance to verbalize your own views, if you have the opportunity to express them. I know, I’m considered a simple bumpkin with minimal formal education, at least some folks perceive me as that!

Most folks have no idea WHO Paul Reimer is; probably won’t take the time to find out! That’s your loss! I will never make the Who’s Who, write a book, entertain thousands, appear on tv, get elected. And by the way, I’m so glad I wasn’t!!!!!! I won’t be a part of the degrading of society. I have been taught values, morals and will in no way bow to POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, devalue my stand. I take pride in who I am [in the Lord] and in society, I will hold my candle to anyone who dares to stand up with me. You may have faculties that outweigh mine, but when it comes to endurance in the race of life and knowledge of survival physically, emotionally and spiritually, I will succeed. It’s been said that you learn through the hard knocks of life, if that is the case, I'm a Champion. If you will / could take a few moments of your time to challenge [yes I’m up to that] and know the deep thoughts of my heart & mind, you might learn so much.

It reminds me of the email I have seen several times. A son asks his Father, “How much do you make?” The Father replies with a negative answer, and in disregard. Later the boy came back with ONE DOLLAR of his hard earned allowance. The Father sternly says, “What’s this??????” Waiting for a moment……The boy responds with a simple phrase. “Dad,,,,,,, Can I buy one dollars worth of your time?” The Father was crushed. J


R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"