November 8, 2012
*Sorry this is a bit belated
At last, the Elections are over, I’m burned out over all the campaign ads. Now we may have more time for commercials. J I do not know which the worst are. I’m glad however the remote has a MUTE button J it will take a little time to get back into the groove. I’m not exactly too enthused about how the elections turned out, however; we have to keep on with a positive attitude and when possible voice our disdain or opinion to our elected Officials locally, State wide or in Washington. Written communications or personal phone calls do much more good than surveys or emails. Always be respectful. A good source of U S Congress contact information is in printed form from; Capitol Advantage P O Box 2018 Merrifield, VA 22116 or by calling 703-550-9500 While you’re at it try to get a copy of the U S Constitution & The Bill of Rights. It will give you great information on how and where to lodge your comments. IMO, every citizen should have a copy!!!
At last, the Elections are over, I’m burned out over all the campaign ads. Now we may have more time for commercials. J I do not know which the worst are. I’m glad however the remote has a MUTE button J it will take a little time to get back into the groove. I’m not exactly too enthused about how the elections turned out, however; we have to keep on with a positive attitude and when possible voice our disdain or opinion to our elected Officials locally, State wide or in Washington. Written communications or personal phone calls do much more good than surveys or emails. Always be respectful. A good source of U S Congress contact information is in printed form from; Capitol Advantage P O Box 2018 Merrifield, VA 22116 or by calling 703-550-9500 While you’re at it try to get a copy of the U S Constitution & The Bill of Rights. It will give you great information on how and where to lodge your comments. IMO, every citizen should have a copy!!!
Thirty-three weeks have gone by so quickly, since I threw my name in the hat. Being a first time participant in the political field, I’ve attained matchless information about the processes of running for an office. It’s a lot of hard work, for some it was a considerable investment, whether it be from personal funds or campaign funds. Most campaigns have campaign managers, secretaries and treasurers. I was not so fortunate. The responsibility of filing Secretary of State Financial Reports every other week, in itself was very demanding. It entailed keeping track of all contributions, contributors, addresses & employment information. Four sets of records. Every contributor received a hand written THANK YOU card / letter. I attended over 60+ meetings, and made that many public speeches. Additionally, there were over two dozen business meetings, and numerous contacts. Keeping up with current events on the campaign trail and writing articles for the blogs and website, it was a hugh task in itself. I trust you enjoyed reading the goings on in my busy life.
I suppose you want to know where I finished in this race. With 34 precincts reporting, 258,928 registered voters only 62.92% took the time to make their selection known. I finished with a 27.44% favored vote. I think that is incredibly great, considering the fact I was a first time competitor. I’d like to think myself as a RUNNER UP; I refuse to adopt the phrase lost the race!
You may ask; how do I accept and feel about this outcome? Quite honestly, I would rather have liked to have had the opportunity to be in the House chambers today, for the Orientation process. However, I am at total peace about running this race with confidence and purpose. I put my best foot forward with great anticipation and effort. I gave my opponent a good run for his money. I commend my opponent for his successful endeavors, wish him well!. Being a country bumpkin [farm boy] I did extremely well. I stood for ABSOLUTE values and was not afraid to voice them. I have garnered many friendships in the secular world and the political world. I am not / was not ashamed of the convictions I stood for and made them known, many candidates did not do so! I believe that I could have made a considerable difference in the Legislature. Moreover, to boot [sic] I perused vast amounts of useful information, which would never have happened, had I not had this opportunity. I studied profusely to make myself a good Representative. I have no regrets! I feel much of what I have learned / experienced, will somewhere be useful in another rewarding field. God always makes a willing heart / mind / hands useful, worthy of their endeavors, wherever he allows [places] us to be. I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. From the very first day, my attitude & prayer was, “If God wants me to be in this position, He will make it happen, if not, it was not meant to be. “ I truly believe & accept, He has another position waiting for me with the same or greater need than this. I will always try to be proficient, useful in any avenue my Lord & Master chooses. I will continue to post information via blogs & websites of my fulfillment in life. I will continue to follow & be active in the Legislative processes, and relay that information to my dedicated readers.
You may ask; how do I accept and feel about this outcome? Quite honestly, I would rather have liked to have had the opportunity to be in the House chambers today, for the Orientation process. However, I am at total peace about running this race with confidence and purpose. I put my best foot forward with great anticipation and effort. I gave my opponent a good run for his money. I commend my opponent for his successful endeavors, wish him well!. Being a country bumpkin [farm boy] I did extremely well. I stood for ABSOLUTE values and was not afraid to voice them. I have garnered many friendships in the secular world and the political world. I am not / was not ashamed of the convictions I stood for and made them known, many candidates did not do so! I believe that I could have made a considerable difference in the Legislature. Moreover, to boot [sic] I perused vast amounts of useful information, which would never have happened, had I not had this opportunity. I studied profusely to make myself a good Representative. I have no regrets! I feel much of what I have learned / experienced, will somewhere be useful in another rewarding field. God always makes a willing heart / mind / hands useful, worthy of their endeavors, wherever he allows [places] us to be. I know I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. From the very first day, my attitude & prayer was, “If God wants me to be in this position, He will make it happen, if not, it was not meant to be. “ I truly believe & accept, He has another position waiting for me with the same or greater need than this. I will always try to be proficient, useful in any avenue my Lord & Master chooses. I will continue to post information via blogs & websites of my fulfillment in life. I will continue to follow & be active in the Legislative processes, and relay that information to my dedicated readers.
I want to express my great humble gratitude and appreciation to all who have made this endeavor a great journey for me. Your thoughts, prayers, financial support and acknowledgements have sustained and given me hope along the way. May God richly bless each of you for your service to the one and ONLY! My cell phone number will remain the same; the P O Box will be discontinued. The email address [] will be discontinued, please feel free to use my personal email address; If you have comments or questions about any subject, Please do not hesitate to contact me. See ya down the road! If you have comments or questions about any subject, Please do not hesitate to contact me. See ya down the road!
Paul Reimer CSC
R - Paul Reimer,
Former Candidate
House of Representatives
House of Representatives
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