Good Morning Everyone;
This post is going to be totally different than those posted during my campaign. I trust you will understand, and give me your feedback. As most of us are aware that the elections had an un-surprising result, and numerous individuals failed to properly prepare themselves for what resulted in a lost election.1 It is now imperative that we stand up and face the issues at hand. Don’t say there is nothing that can’t be done / undone. It will precisely take more individuals with the same purpose to negate what is on the horizon. In past posts I have eluded to the fact; Each person has to RESEARCH – READ – INFORM yourself with CREDIBLE information, and then act accordingly. If we sit here waiting for the Government [what’s left of it.] (sic) to help us or deliver us from the fallout or bondage ahead, we will not survive! Forget the partisanship crap, we’ve got to align ourselves with a single passion and then proceed with ONE PURPOSE. Forget the social issues, [while they may be important] there are greater problems that need to be addressed numeral uno!!!! If you don’t understand taxation & regulations, go to your Library and read up on ECONOMICS 101. A good source is; The Patriots Toolbox, from the Heritage Foundation. I want to form a Citizens Coalition challenging the Legislature, to be aware that we will be watching and will confront every piece of legislation that is not productive /or does not promote, general well-being for every taxpayer. This information will not and is not available on FOX NEWS< ABS< CBS < NBC< or the printed media. We must stop the current & proposed run away taxation / regulation [big Government] of the future. We have to bombard our Legislators, both on the local level and in Washington. I will supply you with the resources if you can’t find them, or don’t have them in your possession. THIS IS NO JOKE!
This post is going to be totally different than those posted during my campaign. I trust you will understand, and give me your feedback. As most of us are aware that the elections had an un-surprising result, and numerous individuals failed to properly prepare themselves for what resulted in a lost election.1 It is now imperative that we stand up and face the issues at hand. Don’t say there is nothing that can’t be done / undone. It will precisely take more individuals with the same purpose to negate what is on the horizon. In past posts I have eluded to the fact; Each person has to RESEARCH – READ – INFORM yourself with CREDIBLE information, and then act accordingly. If we sit here waiting for the Government [what’s left of it.] (sic) to help us or deliver us from the fallout or bondage ahead, we will not survive! Forget the partisanship crap, we’ve got to align ourselves with a single passion and then proceed with ONE PURPOSE. Forget the social issues, [while they may be important] there are greater problems that need to be addressed numeral uno!!!! If you don’t understand taxation & regulations, go to your Library and read up on ECONOMICS 101. A good source is; The Patriots Toolbox, from the Heritage Foundation. I want to form a Citizens Coalition challenging the Legislature, to be aware that we will be watching and will confront every piece of legislation that is not productive /or does not promote, general well-being for every taxpayer. This information will not and is not available on FOX NEWS< ABS< CBS < NBC< or the printed media. We must stop the current & proposed run away taxation / regulation [big Government] of the future. We have to bombard our Legislators, both on the local level and in Washington. I will supply you with the resources if you can’t find them, or don’t have them in your possession. THIS IS NO JOKE!
I want you to begin with you KNOWING what is proposed in every action big “O” has and is planning on exercising from Washington. You spend time on Social Media, why not take half of that time researching what’s happening and what’s on the forefront. Yes, it will take some time and effort, but if we don’t get our lazy butt off the couch, we will get what we deserve. HAVOC! And don’t bitch about it when it knocks on your front door. It’s INEVITABLE!!!!
Let me address a very sensitive subject. Delete it, if you can’t / won’t understand. This Nation was founded on Christian Principles, for the greater part we have either ignored or tried furiously /purposely to rid these principles. You may do that, if you so desire, but in the end, it will come back and bite you sooner or later. Let’s hope you don’t chose the latter!!!!! In my campaign I couldn’t, for TOLERANCE purposes cut to the chase! Maybe what I did do / say, caused my election demise???? I have no regrets! History repeats itself, and the information in the good book [BIBLE] is so accurate it’s incredibly insane. What is happening in Israel and the surrounding area, it’s allies and foes will directly have an impact on the United States of America and all of its people. Don’t be illusioned by what some folks believe; We live in America, a Christian Nation, I’m a good person, all people & religions go to heaven, if God is a good god, he won't allow our nation to fall! Do I have to say anymore? We are ACCOUNTABLE individuals, with immense amount of knowledge, and we refuse to use it! Incidentally, that includes me!, the person writing this! I’m not exempt! IT’S TIME TO TAKE A DEFINITIVE STAND! WILL YOU STAND BESIDE ME? I CAN’T DO IT ALONE!
Send ALL feedback, inquiries to; Paul Reimer [] or call me on my cell for more info, subject line "feedback"
Send ALL feedback, inquiries to; Paul Reimer [] or call me on my cell for more info, subject line "feedback"
Your POINTMAN, and best friend,
Paul “Boots” Reimer
Paul “Boots” Reimer
1 I’m not going to blame any political party for the outcome of the elections. You know what you voted for! Perhaps this is a lesson in History & Biblical Prophesy?? You decide.
Thanks for the inspirational message, Boots! I heard a good analogy tonight by Rick Warren (author of "The Purpose Driven Life"). The cut flowers analogy .. flowers are pretty in the yard and if you cut them off from their roots and bring them in the house, they stay pretty for a few days, but then wither and die. We're slowly cutting our nation off from our Christian roots. We won't see the full effect for awhile, but when we do, it will be too late to bring the life back into the nation.