236th Birthday 1776-2013
Good Afternoon folks;
Many folks are getting their grills ready
to barbecue some goodies, purchasing HOT DOGS, [quite a history about hot dogs]
brats and burgers. Company & guests will arrive, possibly bringing a pot
luck style meal. Some jurisdictions will even celebrate with a parade. American
flags will be displayed at full mast across the land. A day of celebration
without any cognizant meaning of what 4th of July is, declared a Federal Holiday
June 1941. Initially it was called INDEPENDENCE DAY
originated in Pennsylvania July 2, 1776, with five co founders, drafted by
Richard Henry Lee. The original document wasn't fully signed by all colonies
till months later. Most people have not researched the title, and claim only the
4th of July as fire cracker day. Did you know that the first celebration, they
shot cannons? For your consideration; research, CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, [June 7,
[1775 - 1783] & KING GEORGE III, British King who opposed the Continental
Congress a year earlier.
Despite the fact we celebrate many Holidays without
knowing the true origins, we forget that AMERICA was born in & by great
peril & distress. Countless wars and scrimmages made this country free from
tyranny. Over the 236 years politicians have eroded the concept of a FREE
government, principally founded on FREEDOM FROM RELIGION and tyranny.
Those included excessive taxation. Folks in Washington & our local State
houses, feel they can improve on the original documents, raising taxes for more
services. Whatever happened to self preservation? EDUCATION &
GOVERNMENT, has taken its place!! Some even want to rewrite the Constitution
[with what? Sharia law?] Early settlers were sick and tired of being ruled by a
tyrant King, does this fit BO? So they, [just a few] begin a revolution [and
maybe we should again today?] to change what super powers had in
As you celebrate this day of remembrance, take time
to reflect the cost our forefathers who paid dearly for our Liberty. Just don’t
eat, drink & be merry! FLY
Don’t make it a one day thing!
While you're at it, pause a moment to give thanks to the
ONE who gave us our Freedom to begin with, along with all of our
Military, and those who diligently serve us for our well-being. Include Law
enforcement, firefighters & medical interventionist.
Father’s Day just passed, give THANKS for your
parents and family.
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