Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gun Control

We are approaching the second inaugural, for the man who many voted for; for a second term.
IMO, we are in for a rough four years, if we endure that length of time? You; may look at it from either a political or Scriptural viewpoint. My intention is to look at it first, from [the] Biblical viewpoint! However; from my viewpoint  [which] has a greater point of relevance of coming to fruition than and included the political view.

Either way, AMERICA has turned it's back on the Sovereign authority of the Constitution and our God given rights and privileges. Eroding our freedoms has been taking place, in numerous Presidential terms, however no more so, than in the past term. Our current Representatives & Senators have gone by the way side as well, including our Justices! A total disregard to both Bible & Constitution values! Either way, should we continue on the path we are currently on, there is little hope for survival. I dread to think what is coming down the pike.

Our local governments as well, Washington have sided with the [will of the people]  Democrat controlled houses. No balance of legislative powers, [a run away Legislature?] The VOTE of the people is no longer viable! Mark my word! I see a collapse of our economic and democratic structure in the near future, nearing a Martial Law state, if nothing is done to prevent it. I do a tremendous amount of research & reading, receiving information from credible sources not available to the general public,of alarming news concerning current & future events. AMERICA WAKE UP!  The link I have provided, is long and very graphic.

Not suitable for children!!! A must read!
R - Paul Reimer, Former Candidate
House of Representatives

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