Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Finish Line Aproaches

            Well, here we are, I can see the checkered flag ahead. One more round and we will be able to see who will be the victor! Twenty-Nine weeks of campaigning. Mail ballots drop in a few days; I would appreciate your VOTE! Soon we will find out if all the campaign finances, mailers, phone calls, door to door & the countless speeches have paid off. I cannot say I regret one iota the effort that has been applied, and the folks I have met. There is a purpose under heaven for everything that happens, or one may encounter. Last week I received a letter from the Colorado Legislative Council, informing me of the dates for orientation, should I be elected. As I have said many times over, If the Lord wants me in this position, he will make it happen. If not, I find great consolation in the fact I have been able to let folks know about my STRONG FAITH. I have run well! Some folks may rebut my remark. I’m trusting that the friendships I have established will last a lifetime. If I gain the position, I will be visible, unashamed of what I have been taught as a child & now stand for. Do not get me wrong, there is no place to PREACH, however; my strong values & morals will not be relinquished! There are many meanings / applications to the word CONSERVATIVE; Webster defines it as; TO CONSERVE / PRESERVE. The legislature / Government are in dire need of conserving, if we want to balance our budget, open the areas for entrepreneurship for new growth & employment. I intend to be a flagship legislator, doing my utmost best for the people that cast their votes in my behalf. Please stand with me with your ballot & my tenure in office. Together WE can change the way things that have been done; I will need your help. I am planning to hold monthly open forums in all the different communities, truly representing my constituency.  I believe in complete TRANSPARENCY of Government. The buck will stop at my desk!  I have been a hands on type of guy all of my life, that will not stop in the future, I’m not afraid to tackle the impossible & difficult tasks. I will be your POINTMAN!

You can count on me!  I will not be your TYPICAL POLITICIAN!

A few more posts & I will acclaim my ACCEPTANCE post! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Paul - I'm pulling for you to become my next State Representative!
