We are rapidly nearing the date, how the elections will be decided. There is much confusion in the media concerning facts and lies [fiction]. There are many credible sources available on the Internet to check out the TRUTH about who is portraying the positive message. You cannot rely on what the ads are trying to tell or convince you, for whom to vote for. A credible voter will research numerous avenues of information prior to casting his or her ballot. While here in Adams County, 53,000 ballots have been cast, & in the State, 800,000+ ballots have been cast to date.
An initiative; [constitutional amendment] #64 legalizing the sale, distribution & use of “medical” marijuana is on the ballot. Reliable sources indicate that the use of methamphetamines, prescription drugs used illegally, and alcohol are on the rise to children as low as in first elementary grades. Passing this amendment will only enhance and harm our culture beyond repair. PLEASE VOTE NO on amendment 64!!! I have, and scheduled for numerous informative classes on many diverse issues, including this issue. The use marijuana of by youth rose in Colorado by 24% from 2005 – 2009 While Colorado is implementing a violation while driving, while being [intoxicated with marijuana & or alcohol] stats show an increase of 28.3% in the past 5 years. Substance abuse is at a 27.8% level for grades 9 – 11. * info obtained from CDB & ACYI data.
Economy is a big issue this election year, no one so far, has given a definite answer to how this can and will be reconciled. We are spending more on borrowed money [interest] than all of our resources are creating. Another issue is the abortion and women’s health. It’s amazing that these issues are reverberating intensely [distracting] our voters. When other more important issues, like taxes, Israel & health care in general [not Obamacare], job creation, foreclosures, will make or break the Nation in the coming years. We must reduce our entitlements drastically! USA stands 7th in the GNP, this is very alarming, when less than ten years ago, we were #1. US have the highest Corporation taxes in the world. RESPONSIBILITY & ACCOUNTABILITY are key issues each one as AMERICANS must face quickly. WE MUST RESTORE FAMILY UNITS!
Deception brings Diversion, ultimately a possible revolt. The sad scenario is; those who cannot read; Worst-case scenario is; those who REFUSE to read! We are not defenseless; we individually can and must make an honest attempt soon, to restore our Heritage & ethical / moral values. THINK about how your vote will affect future generations and yourself, as soon as January 1, 2013.I am currently planning to make my VICTORY speech, Tuesday evening. My orientation in the Legislature begins two days after the election. If you have already voted, THANK YOU. If not, please consider to allow me to EARN your VOTE.
In past issues on my webpage, certain words or phrases were unreadable, due a formatting error in word processing software. A duplicate copy may be found on my blog. The problem was, BOLD & other commands changed the script. My webmaster failed to keep my webpage current; however, the issue has been resolved.
Contact me for more info;
or call; 720-238-1539
Thank you for your support. May the Lord richly bless & keep you.