Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Free Time

October 22, 2013
Just checked my day timer, and it appears there are no appointments for the rest of the week, or am I missing something? On the fun side of life, everybody seems to think that when you are past forty, old people don’t have their ducks all in order. J And younger folks do????????? That’s debatable! I use the term often; Been there done that! I can hear you chuckle. J

It’s been a very taxing week for me and our family. One more Family member went home to meet their reward. That’s five in the past 4.5 years. Lois was ready to go. Her body all worn out, nearly forty years from arthritis, in almost every joint in her body, and quite a few had been replaced. She just passed her 81st birthday a few days ago, still played the piano very well. I’ve never known a person who had such grace and pleasing disposition, even though all the pain. When you asked her, how are you doing today? Her response, I’m doing well! Again, Lois, really, how are you doing today? Then she said “Well,,,,,, not quite as good as yesterday.” It takes a lot of fortitude to admit and say that, when you’d have the desire or need to complain! Yes, more than fortitude. More than just grace. She managed to do the meal preparation; even when her hands were so crippled, using her wrists to hold things. Hadn’t been able to walk for years, she scooted around on an office chair. Her husband had to lift her from one place to another. Amazingly, she NEVER lost her will to serve others with a big smile. She longed to go home, where she would have a NEW body with no debilitating joints. What grandeur that must be? A life lived to the fullest with the expectation of GOD’S love, Grace and love. Just what His word provides through faith and just living. This reminds me of the song, “You oughta see me now!” & “I can imagine.” 

I mentioned earlier a taxing week. Yes, driving 17 hours straight through, with one fuel stop. I was there, in her final hours, [as in the other deaths] supporting my brother and family, his wife of 64 years in Dec. God is good! Lois is and will continue to be my inspiration! Till we meet on the other side.

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"

Monday, October 7, 2013

Good Morning from the FEE STATE!

October 2, 2013
Good Morning from the FEE STATE!
Reread Matthew chapter 24: folks. And Ephesians 6:12
If you have not experienced the beginning of the battles, or are presently involved in, you are about to! Let me rephrase that; many individuals who claim to be walking steadfast with the Lord, may be in jeopardy that will encompass your lives by experiencing difficulties in your life and home. Satan only buffets those who walk closely with the Lord. Again, let me remind you, that these trials that are being sent from HELL, and not from the Lord, to discourage your dedicated walk. Discouragement, health, financial or other difficulties, are only a few trials for the moment. Tighten the hatches SECURELY, and FIRMLY! The battle has only begun, you haven’t even seen or experienced the beginning yet!!!! What the future holds is anyone’s prognosis! The [spirit] of the Anti-Christ is at work, understand; THE [personhood] of the Anti-Christ is about to be revealed!!!!!!! We must fully understand [interpret] the scriptures what the events leading up to the end times are. Most Christians do not understand fully the events that must take place before the Saints of God are called home. Great destruction and carnage are about to take place, in other words, a TRYING time for those who call themselves born again Christians!!!! The current shutdown of Washington is a smoke screen. Do not buy into it!
My prayer is; our FAITH is about to be tested as never before, and our FAITH is ONLY through the power of the BLOOD of Jesus Christ, and the WORD! I have a vision I cannot share in this post. I challenge each of you to seek the Lord in prayer earnestly as never before, for the [personal] revelation / direction, that will come to pass. Very shortly, I might add! If you have any doubt of your survival / or being caught up. Take action on your knees very personally!! If you need prayer, contact me. 24/7

R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
720-238-1539 cell
Chaplain "Boots"