October 2, 2013
Good Morning from the FEE STATE!
Reread Matthew chapter 24: folks. And Ephesians
If you have not experienced the beginning of the battles, or
are presently involved in, you are about to! Let me rephrase that; many
individuals who claim to be walking steadfast with the Lord, may be in jeopardy
that will encompass your lives by experiencing difficulties in your life and
home. Satan only buffets those who walk closely with the Lord. Again, let
me remind you, that these trials that are being sent from HELL, and not from the
Lord, to discourage your dedicated walk. Discouragement, health, financial or
other difficulties, are only a few trials for the moment. Tighten the hatches
SECURELY, and FIRMLY! The battle has only begun, you haven’t even seen or
experienced the beginning yet!!!! What the future holds is anyone’s prognosis!
The [spirit] of the Anti-Christ is at work, understand; THE
[personhood] of the Anti-Christ is about to be revealed!!!!!!! We must fully
understand [interpret] the scriptures what the events leading up to the end
times are. Most Christians do not understand fully the events that must take
place before the Saints of God are called home. Great destruction and carnage
are about to take place, in other words, a TRYING time for those who call
themselves born again Christians!!!! The current shutdown of Washington is a
smoke screen. Do not buy into it!
My prayer is; our FAITH is about to be
tested as never before, and our FAITH is ONLY through the power of the BLOOD of
Jesus Christ, and the WORD! I have a vision I cannot share in this post. I
challenge each of you to seek the Lord in prayer earnestly as never
before, for the [personal] revelation / direction, that will come to pass. Very
shortly, I might add! If you have any doubt of your survival / or being caught
up. Take action on your knees very personally!! If you need prayer, contact me.
R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of
720-238-1539 cell