Saturday, September 7, 2013

Greetings;    I thought I’d try to change the view of the page a bit, by inserting a fav, which still exists and welcomes you at all Colorado borders. Truly Colorado has many colorful views, too numerous to list them all. If you haven’t visited Colorado, you are missing out.  As a native, I’ve explored most of the area along with the State & National Parks. One thing about Colorado is; that regardless how warm the summer’s heat is, in the day time, the night’s usually are very comfortable. Many folks brag about their own State, oceans, beaches etc. However, the Rocky Mountains and all the magnificent views it holds, are priceless. 

In two weeks the calendar says, Autumn or Fall begins. You would never know it by the temps we have been experiencing the past few weeks. It’s been a difficult summer for me [heat wise]. However; weather in Colorado can & will change in a moments notice. One change that indicates Fall is right around the corner, is the changing of the colors in the Aspen trees. Leaves will begin to turn colors [dark green, browns, reds & yellows & in between] then fall, here in the city as well. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t relish the changing of seasons [winter]. I truly love Fall weather, probably more than any other season except Spring. When the first snow flakes fall, I become a kid again! There is one advantage, I can stay inside where it’s warm & dry, and most often do what I like to do best, begin baking.


I’d like to share a few items with you. In a week, the last race of the season will take place with MRA ~ Motorcycleroadracing Association.  Go to for more info. To celebrate my Chaplain Residency of 24 years, we will hold an open house. CHAPEL APPRECIATION SUNDAY, Breakfast al a cart will be served. We are honored to have had nearly thirty in attendance the last few races. God has been good, no severe injuries have occurred. Ten separate locations have served as competitive race tracks, for challenges of our membership, including Utah & Nebraska. I have traveled nearly 50,000+ miles to & from these tracks, walked nearly 1,500+ pit miles, made 1,000 follow-up visits, conducted 200 Chapel services, not including weddings etc. This number does not reflect counseling sessions. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this great organization. Lord willing and my health permits, I plan to continue next year. It’s always comforting / rewarding when individuals express their growth & to have found the way, by example or through the services held every race Sunday at 0630 hours.