Thursday, April 18, 2013
History 101
Greetings from my desk; 4/18/13
We've been experiencing a rift of cold weather here in Colorado, and the front range. As we get older we forget what winters in the past have been. Boy am I getting soft? We rely on the Weather Bureau to make forecasts, often missing accuracy. I'm a native and a long time resident in the Denver area. However; the Denver & front range are set in a bowl right off [east of] the Rocky Mountains, a difficult place to predict accurately . The calendar says it's Spring! :) For those who have lived in Colorado, for any length of time, it is no surprise to have frosts and snow storms even as late as June 8. The weather patterns have changed a lot over the years, and it's not surprising with what's happening in our world today. Which leads me to the paragraphs & comments following.
As a boy raised on a farm, one experiences a wealth of information that urban kids NEVER have the opportunity to acquire. Incidental, they don't teach that in school. HARD WORK comes to mind, foremost! Next in line are SURVIVAL SKILLS. You learn to adapt very quickly to the environment around you, MATURE almost before the age of accountability! Working together as a team, not self sufficient. [Or selfishly] You understand and accept RESPONSIBILITY at an exceptional early age. Learn the value of the monetary system and how to attain & keep it. My first paying job was (75¢) yes, seventy cents and hour, picking potatoes by hand. I was fifteen at the time, hard work for a small statured boy, not to mention a ten hour day. After you got through from a day of labor in the hot sun, you still had chores to do when you got home! That involved milking [by hand] a dozen cows, bringing in fire- wood and coal. We didn't have running water, we had to pack it in morning and evening by the bucket full. The two holed privy was out by the barn. Baths occurred on Saturdays! Complaining was almost never heard of! Meals were made on an old fashioned wood burning stove, by my Mother [a LADY I remind you] that worked in the fields as well. As boys we learned how to cook,wash & iron, sew and other crafts. Coal oil lamps were our method of reading at night. We didn't need pep talks from our parents, we had the intuition to KNOW what was needed without being told. Mis behaving resulted in spankings. A complete different concept of what our generation is being taught and required today. We HONORED & RESPECTED our elders and parents, no questions asked. That early training has served me well, in my nearly three quarters of a century of life. I have never regretted any of the disciplines I received. With the education available today, our current generation has no clue what & how to live a balanced successful life, raise kids and be self supporting! We even helped our NEIGHBORS. Sound familiar?
Without the adopting the values & morals stated above, and history repeating itself, we are destined to succumb to the delegation of super powers [Washington] ruling masses of people, who will not stand up for our God given privileges & rights. America has become weak, unable to fight the fight the necessary battles that are before us, unless a great HOLOCAUST transpires, and it will! If you & I aren't aware of the environment around us, and PREPARED, the words of the wise "ONLY THE FITTEST WILL SURVIVE" will pertain to each of us.
God help us. God helps ONLY those who help themselves!!!!
R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"
Monday, April 1, 2013
EASTER & Passion week
Greetings from my desk; 4/18/13
We've been experiencing a rift of cold weather here in Colorado, and the front range. As we get older we forget what winters in the past have been. Boy am I getting soft? We rely on the Weather Bureau to make forecasts, often missing accuracy. I'm a native and a long time resident in the Denver area. However; the Denver & front range are set in a bowl right off [east of] the Rocky Mountains, a difficult place to predict accurately . The calendar says it's Spring! :) For those who have lived in Colorado, for any length of time, it is no surprise to have frosts and snow storms even as late as June 8. The weather patterns have changed a lot over the years, and it's not surprising with what's happening in our world today. Which leads me to the paragraphs & comments following.
As a boy raised on a farm, one experiences a wealth of information that urban kids NEVER have the opportunity to acquire. Incidental, they don't teach that in school. HARD WORK comes to mind, foremost! Next in line are SURVIVAL SKILLS. You learn to adapt very quickly to the environment around you, MATURE almost before the age of accountability! Working together as a team, not self sufficient. [Or selfishly] You understand and accept RESPONSIBILITY at an exceptional early age. Learn the value of the monetary system and how to attain & keep it. My first paying job was (75¢) yes, seventy cents and hour, picking potatoes by hand. I was fifteen at the time, hard work for a small statured boy, not to mention a ten hour day. After you got through from a day of labor in the hot sun, you still had chores to do when you got home! That involved milking [by hand] a dozen cows, bringing in fire- wood and coal. We didn't have running water, we had to pack it in morning and evening by the bucket full. The two holed privy was out by the barn. Baths occurred on Saturdays! Complaining was almost never heard of! Meals were made on an old fashioned wood burning stove, by my Mother [a LADY I remind you] that worked in the fields as well. As boys we learned how to cook,wash & iron, sew and other crafts. Coal oil lamps were our method of reading at night. We didn't need pep talks from our parents, we had the intuition to KNOW what was needed without being told. Mis behaving resulted in spankings. A complete different concept of what our generation is being taught and required today. We HONORED & RESPECTED our elders and parents, no questions asked. That early training has served me well, in my nearly three quarters of a century of life. I have never regretted any of the disciplines I received. With the education available today, our current generation has no clue what & how to live a balanced successful life, raise kids and be self supporting! We even helped our NEIGHBORS. Sound familiar?
Without the adopting the values & morals stated above, and history repeating itself, we are destined to succumb to the delegation of super powers [Washington] ruling masses of people, who will not stand up for our God given privileges & rights. America has become weak, unable to fight the fight the necessary battles that are before us, unless a great HOLOCAUST transpires, and it will! If you & I aren't aware of the environment around us, and PREPARED, the words of the wise "ONLY THE FITTEST WILL SURVIVE" will pertain to each of us.
God help us. God helps ONLY those who help themselves!!!!
R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
One day past EASTER & Passion week, and most folks are back to their regular routine. As if the celebration by believers was a ONE DAY EVENT. And for some even the alleged BELIEVERS are in the same boat?
A poll on the news last night, depicted that 58%+- believe the Bible could be authentic and Christ may return in the next ten years. 28% have doubt that Christ's death, burial & resurrection are viable, and 14% don't know what to believe. I don't know about you, but this is the trend of today's culture. I refuse to be branded with any of the numbers given above. Emphatically, my iron clad conviction and belief; I believe that our Lord's return is imminent and soon! Unannounced! The Bible is authentic and true, cannot be altered, changed, added to or deleted to fit humanistic interpretation. BEWARE if you are one of these!
My heart is extremely heavy today as I write, I have received word that many folks are becoming disillusioned with church and the faith. Have lost the fervor of their original conversion. I have family members who are a part of this diabolical persuasion! Adopting the theory EVERYBODY will go to heaven and are saved, regardless of their deviant / half hearted lifestyle. Revelation is quite clear about being LUKEWARM!!!!! Mathew 7:23 says, "Depart from me, I NEVER knew you!" There are those who feel quite comfortable where they are, adequate in what they believe. If you haven't felt conviction to draw closer, I would be very concerned!
One step further, I can't find folks who will stand in AGREEMENT or BY anyone with a desire to reignite the fire. [Prayer or belief] Most have EMPTY words, and will not commit to the same. Should you be ONE who stands by me, I want to hear from you very quickly. Do not leave a message on my blog, contact me directly, and let me know where you stand! Confidentiality is my mode. Blessings only to those who receive correction!!!! According to Mathew 10:14
Just as an addition; Washington and our State Governments are working hard on what is called "Gun Control". Deceptively speaking, there is an underlying agenda. Criminal background checks & health-care. If you have ever been to court, it COULD be interpreted as being criminal! If you have ever been prescribed a mood changing medication, [depression] you COULD be classified as not being in your right mind to own a firearm. Confiscation is their desire. Disarming, so you are an easy target. Very subtle legislation, be very careful.......
R ~ Paul Reimer
Former Candidate
State House of Representatives
Chaplain "Boots"
Chaplain "Boots"
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