I personally was very disappointed in the representations & speeches of elected officials & clergy, [Yes, I quoted that right!] in the event held yesterday at the Court House steps. I felt it was Politically & Religiously motivated. This individual CHOSE to do great harm which is inexcusable. Why? I will never understand, neither will any of the professionals or anyone else, who may become a part of this situation. Only Mr. Holmes & his Almighty God know for a certainty. My diagnosis is not important, whatever I may feel or think as a Victim’s Advocate & Counselor. When I view the picture of this individual, I say “I see a handsome man who made wrong decisions, for whatever reasons. Additionally, I perceive that he had great potential.“ I’m reminded of the account of the women at the well. Jesus wrote on the ground, scripture doesn’t say what he wrote, he told the audience “He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” Apparently that did not exempt anyone there, as in this case. I pray for the families who are experiencing great loss, sorrow, pain & suffering. I ask our Sovereign Lord & Saviour to give comfort, physical, emotional & Spiritual healing. I pray for justice to prevail.
Paul “Boots” Reimer CSC
[R] Candidate
House of Representatives
District #32 Adams County
[R] Candidate
House of Representatives
District #32 Adams County